On Saturday, June 4, 2016 at 8:19:02 AM UTC-4, Christopher Fisher wrote:
> I was wondering if someone would be willing to help me with creating 
> user-defined types. I've been using Julia for about two years now but I am 
> new to the idea of creating custom types. I'm trying to create a population 
> of agents/individuals in a simple epidemiological simulation. I would like 
> the population of individuals to be structured as a  2 dimensional array 
> with rows as individuals and columns as properties. This would be somewhat 
> similar to a DataFrame, but potentially more flexible. I want to be able to 
> index an individual like so: population[1]. This woud list all of the 
> information for individual 1.  I would also like to be able to look at an 
> attribute across individuals: population.infected or population[:infected]. 
> At the same time, I would like to have to flexibility of using an array to 
> keep track of individuals: typeof(population.history[1]) is Array{Int64,1}. 
> Based on existing documentation and examples, I have only been able to 
> create individuals but cannot figure out how to create a population as 
> described above:
> type Person
>     infected::Int64
>     vaccinated::Int64
>     dead::Int64
>    history::Array{Int64,1}
> end

It sounds like you just want an array of your Person type.


population = Person[]   # create an empty population
push!(population, Person(0, 2, 0, Int64[3,4,5]))   # add a person to the 
population[1].dead # access the "dead" field of the first person in the 
population[1].history[3]  # access history[3] from person 1

Of course, you can make working with the Person type a lot nicer by 
defining more methods.   e.g. you probably want to have a "show" method to 
pretty-print a person, for example:

Base.show(io::IO, p::Person) = print(io, "Person(infected=", p.infected, ", 
vaccinated=", p.vaccinated, ", dead=", p.dead, ", history=", p.history)

When designing your types, you also want to think carefully about your 
fields.   e.g. aren't infected, dead, etc. really Boolean fields?  If you 
can encode "history" into a fixed-width field (e.g. a single 64-bit 
integer), it will be much more efficient.  And arrays of persons will be 
more efficient if you can make the person immutable --- you only need a 
(mutable) type if you need to have multiple references to the same 
individual, where modifying one reference's fields will change the data 
seen from all the references.

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