Sorry, was away. Running the Pkg.status() I get

21 required packages:

 - Clp                           0.2.1

 - DSP                           0.0.11

 - DataFrames                    0.7.3

 - Distributions                 0.9.0

 - FastGaussQuadrature           0.0.3

 - Formatting                    0.1.5

 - FredData                      0.1.2

 - GLM                           0.5.2

 - Gadfly                        0.4.2

 - Homebrew                      0.2.0+             master (dirty)

 - IJulia                        1.1.10

 - Interact                      0.3.1

 - Interpolations                0.3.5

 - Ipopt                         0.2.2

 - JuMP                          0.13.2

 - MAT                           0.2.14

 - NLsolve                       0.7.1

 - ODE                           0.2.1

 - Optim                         0.4.5

 - PyPlot                        2.1.1+             master

 - TimeSeries                    0.8.1


On Tuesday, June 7, 2016 at 12:19:24 AM UTC-4, Tony Kelman wrote:
> Please answer the original question. What does Pkg.status() say?

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