As others in this thread, I was confused by (and thus ignored) those
documentation badges the first time I saw them, even though I was using
the travis badges regularly.  To help badges-challenged people like
myself, maybe add a normal link too?  In fact, I like the setup: all the
badges along the top and prose afterwards.  This serves both the badgers
and non-badgers.  (I agree though that you can keep the readme short if
other docs are provided.)

PS: Thanks, Mike, for all your work on the Julia documentation system!
It has come along nicely and a very long way since you started working
on it.

On Sat, 2016-06-18 at 18:34, Michael Hatherly <> wrote:
> Here is the entire section from the raw file
> “Raw file” is the key here: those are image links below the sentence. Look
> at
> the rendered version on the GitHub repo rather and you’ll be able to see the
> docs badges correctly. That’s the most common way people will be browsing
> for
> packages. I can try make those more obvious/informative in their raw form
> though.
> without a link in the README
> There are links in the README.
> it is standard for Julia packages to have a short introduction and
> documentation in the README.
> I’m aware of what some packages chose to do. I have chosen to provide very
> clear links to the documentation instead. I would say that part of the
> reason
> that packages make use of the README for their documentation is that there
> have not been many other viable options. To me a README should provide more
> developer-orientated details of a project, that’s just my view though :)
> I saw that line too.
> I GUESSED that maybe Markdown
> If you saw that line then “guessed” can’t really be the right word.
> I’ll add a more clear point in the introduction though.
> use markdown syntax inside docstrings
> That is covered by the main Julia manual. A link could be provided to that,
> but
> generally the route potential users should be taking is to read the Julia
> manual first and then go looking for packages that they need.
> If I didn’t already know some Markdown
> Yes, a link could be provided to resources that teach markdown. I’d be fine
> with that, but Documenter’s manual is not the place to teach markdown syntax
> from scratch.
> I think it’s great that now there is a documentation package for Julia and
> I’m very glad you wrote one. So thank you for that. If I get the time, I
> will make a PR.
> Thanks, and I’d also like to thank you for all your input on the docsystem
> discussions in #3988 and elsewhere.
> — Mike
> On Saturday, 18 June 2016 17:30:54 UTC+2, Daniel Carrera wrote:
>> Hi Mike,
>> Thanks for being cool about my (hopefully constructive) criticism. I'm
>> very glad that there is now a package for documenting Julia code, and I
>> expect to use it in the future. So thanks for that.
>> On 18 June 2016 at 15:20, Michael Hatherly <
>> <javascript:>> wrote:
>>> It has two lines on installation, one line on project status, and two
>>> sentences on “contributing and questions”.
>>> You’ve missed out the section called “Documentation” there. Perhaps you’re
>>> viewing a cached version of the README that isn’t showing it for some
>>> reason.
>> The "Documentation" section has literally one sentence (one I don't really
>> understand). Here is the entire section from the raw file:
>> --------------------------
>> # Documentation
>> Documentation is built automatically with help from *MkDocs* on *Travis CI* 
>> and hosted by *GitHub Pages*.
>> [![][docs-latest-img]][docs-latest-url] 
>> [![][docs-stable-img]][docs-stable-url]
>> ## Project Status
>> --------------------------
>>> the README file of a documentation package should have at least as much
>>> documentation as the README files of other non-documentation Julia packages
>>> Adding additional duplicated documentation to the README when there is
>>> already
>>> a substantial amount of documentation elsewhere isn’t really worth doing
>>> in my
>>> view
>> Well, the point of a README file so to have useful information about the
>> package. The current file is close to empty (but maybe I'm looking at an
>> old version?). Also, how are people going to find documentation without a
>> link in the README? Lastly, it is standard for Julia packages to have a
>> short introduction and documentation in the README. This file is also often
>> used as a gateway to the rest of the documentation. For example:
>> Notice that PyCall has a very extensive README. But even a very short
>> README like the one from Opus.jl still includes sample code, and some
>> information about usage. I would call Opus.jl an example of a poorly
>> documented module, and the author still thought it was a good idea to
>> explain a bit about how the package works and what it does. In contrast,
>> with Documentation.jl the only way I know to find information is to go to
>> my email client and find this thread.
>> you should state what markup language you are using.
>>> That is mentioned directly above the feature list in the summary line:
>>> A package for building documentation from docstrings and markdown files.
>>> so I didn’t feel the need to duplicate that again in the feature list.
>> It is not duplication, it is clarity. I saw that line too. This is partly
>> why I GUESSED that maybe Markdown is used. That, and the file that Julia
>> docs often use Markdown; but I only know that because I've been around
>> Julia for a while. The one sentence you are referring to does not in any
>> way say or imply that you can use markdown syntax inside docstrings. I
>> mean... cant you actually use Markdown inside docstrings? I suspect you
>> can, but I don't actually know for sure. I know that in your email you
>> basically said "yes". But how much of Markdown do you support? Which
>> flavor? I think that these are things I should have been able to infer
>> easily since this is the core feature of your package (unless I
>> misunderstood the package).
>> There is such a thing as too much duplication, but you are nowhere near
>> having that problem. Currently the documentation is closer to the opposite
>> end, where you tend to write the bare minimum and it seems like you expect
>> users to try to guess what you might have been thinking. That's not where
>> you want to be. I would also argue that it's better to err on the side of
>> being "too clear", rather than not clear enough.
>>> Maybe add some examples showing the use of Markdown.
>>> There’s already a number of examples that illustrate the syntax in the
>>> “Guide”
>>> page and “Syntax” page.
>> I did scan at the Syntax page.  On a second look, I do see examples of
>> Markdown. If I didn't already know some Markdown, I think I would have
>> missed it on the second look as well. The thrust of this section seems to
>> be about @doc, @autodocs, and the other blocks in the package. I didn't
>> imagine that the examples were supposed to introduce some bits of Markdown
>> syntax.
>>> PRs to improve the docs are most welcome since it’s always difficult to
>>> read
>>> the docs from the point-of-view of a new user. Thanks for taking the time
>>> to
>>> have a look at the package Daniel.
>> I think it's great that now there is a documentation package for Julia and
>> I'm very glad you wrote one. So thank you for that. If I get the time, I
>> will make a PR.
>> Cheers,
>> Daniel.

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