Hi all,


I've created a new github repo for a VS code extension
https://github.com/davidanthoff/julia-vscode and it is published here
. Be5invis will delete the old julia extension from the marketplace because
he is no longer maintaining it. At this point my extension has zero
additional features over his old one, except that there is a public github
repo where in theory people could contribute.


Two questions:

1) could we move the github repo under some official julia organization? I
know most other editor plugins are under julialang, but I also remember talk
about creating something like a juliaeditor org or something like that? In
any case, I would like to move the repo to something more official. I'm
happy to maintain it for the foreseeable future, so no fear on that front.

2) I used the julia logo. I hope that is ok from a copyright point of view?
I took it from the repo for the julia homepage, and that whole repo seemed
to be under an MIT license, but just wanted to be sure.


And if anyone wants to add stuff to the extension, PRs are welcome!
Especially a debug adapter would of course be fantastic.






David Anthoff

University of California, Berkeley




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