I faced a similar problem, and actually had to indicate the absolute path 
of the shared library.

Also, when calling a Fortran function/subroutine, you need to add an 
underscore after its name. So maybe try the following:


Le jeudi 23 juin 2016 07:45:49 UTC+10, Kaela Martin a écrit :
> I'm trying to get Julia to run a Fortran file on Windows 10, and Julia 
> says that it can't open the library. Libdl.dlopen also fails to open the 
> file. I've tried adding the current path to LOAD_PATH but still get the 
> same error.
> For a test case, I'm running the following module:
> module hello_module
>     use iso_c_binding
>     implicit none
> contains
>     subroutine hello() bind(C,name="hello")
>       write(*,'(A)') "Hello World!!!"
>     end subroutine hello
> end module hello_module
> I'm compiling it in Cygwin64 (I'm on a 64bit Windows 10 machine) using 
> gfortran with:
> gfortran -shared -o2 -fPIC Hello.f90 -o HelloWorld.dll
> I get a warning that -fPIC is ignored, but the file compiles and creates 
> HelloWorld.dll
> In Julia, I call the library using
> ccall((:hello,"HelloWorld.dll"),Void,())
> which results in: 
> ERROR: could not load library "HelloWorld.dll"
> The specified module could not be found.
>  in dlopen at libdl.jl:36 (repeats 2 times)
>  in dlopen at deprecated.jl:32
> Just trying to open the module using Libdl.dlopen("HelloWorld.dll")  gives 
> the same error.
> Note that I moved the .dll file to a new location after compiling it since 
> the goal is to put the code in a single folder that other users can put on 
> their windows machines and run.
> How do I get Julia to open and run the code?
> Thanks,
> Kaela

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