thanks for your answer. I really appreciate it.

On Wednesday, June 29, 2016 at 9:49:31 PM UTC+8, Daniel Carrera wrote:
> Hello,
> Yeah... Julia is different from Python. Functions will have different 
> names and do different things. Let's take your `input()` example. You want 
> to print something to the screen and read a value from the user. You would 
> go to the Julia manual,
> Then scroll down till you find the "I/O and Networking" section, because 
> the problem you are trying to solve is related to I/O. Reading through it 
> you'll find that Julia does not have any function that is really equivalent 
> to the input() function of Python. This is actually something that programs 
> don't do very often, and it is easy to write your own. The closest thing is 
> the function readline() which reads a value. With it, you can make your own 
> input() function, like this:
> function input(prompt)
>     print(prompt)
>     return readline()
> end
> Then you can look around that section to get a better sense of how Julia 
> does I/O.
> Hope that helps.
> Cheers,
> Daniel.
> On Tuesday, 28 June 2016 17:44:13 UTC+2, Adrian Felismino wrote:
>> I got lost even I read the julia manual. I have Python Basics Programming 
>> Language but I can't comprehend simple things in julia like input("") 
>> function in python.
>> any advise?

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