thanks, I do understand better how to correct them now and I will try to do it, when I read [a] I thaught I had to go inside the programm to correct it !

Le 30/06/2016 17:50, Tim Holy a écrit :
To translate:

     [a] concatenation is deprecated; use collect(a) instead
      in depwarn at ./deprecated.jl:73
     while loading In[2], in expression starting on line 9

The first line implies you have some object `a` and you're putting brackets
around it, `[a]`. Julia is telling you to switch to `collect(a)`. The reason
it makes up a name, `a`, is because a function can't know the name (if any)
you've given to variables in the caller (in this case, 0:0.01:50).

The second line points out where the generic machinery for issuing deprecation
warnings is; in this case, that's not very useful information, so you can
basically ignore it.

The third line tells you the warning was triggered on the 9th line of input
(i.e., where in your code you should look for the problem).

In general, these "backtraces" show you the chain of calls that triggered the
warning or error; learning how to read them is well worth the investment of
effort, because it will save you an almost-infinite amount of time in the
future. Naturally, if you come up with clearer phrasing, please do suggest


On Thursday, June 30, 2016 8:12:06 AM CDT Henri Girard wrote:
Thanks. Well I don't really understand what they mean, sure it would be

Le jeudi 30 juin 2016 16:20:49 UTC+2, Henri Girard a écrit :
I am not a developper, I can't help to correct
these warning (unfortunatly) but that's
quiet annoying if one wants to make a clean
worksheet, this one is not too big but
sometimes it's half a page !

using ODE,Plots
guidefont=font(7), titlefont=font(7));
function oscillator(t, y)

     y[2] = - 3* + y[1] - y[2] / 10

oscillator(t, y) = [y[2], - 3* + y[1] - y[2] / 10]
initial = [1.0,0.0];                   # Initial conditions
t = float([0:0.01:50]);
t,y = ode23(oscillator, initial, t)

WARNING: [a] concatenation is deprecated; use collect(a) instead

  in depwarn at ./deprecated.jl:73

while loading In[2], in expression starting on line 9

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