What's the right way to create a templated class on the C++ side with Cxx?

I have an LCCollection 
and I would like to create a CellIDDecoder 
which needs a template argument.

A simple 
       cxx"""UTIL::CellIDDecoder<SimCalorimeterHit>($(collection.coll)) x;
              std::cout << x << std::endl;
results in 

ERROR: LoadError: Creating LLVM constants for type `T` not implemented yet
 in llvmconst(::Any) at /home/stru821/.julia/v0.5/Cxx/src/cxxstr.jl:22
 in ArgCleanup(::Cxx.ClangCompiler, ::Cxx.CppPtr{Cxx.CxxQualType{Cxx.
,false)}, ::Cxx.CppPtr{Cxx.CxxQualType{Cxx.CppBaseType{Symbol(
"clang::VarDecl")},(false,false,false)},(false,false,false)}) at /home/
 in macro expansion at /home/stru821/.julia/v0.5/Cxx/src/cxxstr.jl:634 [
 in getCellIDDecoder(::LCIO.LCCollection{Cxx.CppPtr{Cxx.CxxQualType{Cxx.
false,false)}}) at /home/stru821/.julia/v0.5/LCIO/src/CaloHit.jl:29
 in testReader(::String) at /home/stru821/.julia/v0.5/LCIO/examples/
 in include_from_node1(::String) at ./loading.jl:426
 in process_options(::Base.JLOptions) at ./client.jl:266
 in _start() at ./client.jl:322
while loading /home/stru821/.julia/v0.5/LCIO/examples/testLCIOCxx.jl, in 
expression starting on line 22

I have also tried to return the result of 

But that replies with an even stranger message:
:2:45: error: no matching constructor for initialization of 
UTIL::CellIDDecoder < SimCalorimeterHit > ( __juliavar1 ) ;
/scratch/software/lcio-test/include/UTIL/CellIDDecoder.h:36:3: note: 
candidate constructor not viable: requires single argument 'encoder_str', 
but no arguments were provided
  CellIDDecoder( const std::string& encoder_str ) : _oldHit(0) {
/scratch/software/lcio-test/include/UTIL/CellIDDecoder.h:47:5: note: 
candidate constructor not viable: requires single argument 'col', but no 
arguments were provided
    CellIDDecoder( const EVENT::LCCollection* col ) : _oldHit(0) {

The code clearly has a constructor argument, so I don't understand why the 
compiler things it doesn't...

If somebody knows how to construct such a templated class, please share.
Many thanks.

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