Hi Palli!

Thanks for reply.

Here is code with transactions example:

mysql_query(con, "SET autocommit = 0")
mysql_query(con, "START TRANSACTION;")

                        INSERT INTO srss_api_production.pga_data 
                        (report_id, version_id, lat, lon, pga_value, 
                        (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);

@time for i in pgavals

mysql_query(con, "COMMIT;")
mysql_query(con, "SET autocommit = 1")

> Then do your INSERTs (prepared statments can be better here for security 
but not speed, while can also help for speed in queries), e.g in a loop.
Yes, you right! It works with smal data but if I have:

586973-element Array{Tuple{Int64,Int64,Float64,Float64,Float64,Float64},1}:

it's extreamly slow.

Solution: string with non-safe big-insert:


On Wednesday, July 6, 2016 at 1:11:42 AM UTC+11, Páll Haraldsson wrote:
> On Tuesday, July 5, 2016 at 7:07:09 AM UTC, Andrey Stepnov wrote:
>> Hi Ivar!
>> There is no documentation about transactions for MySQL.jl. I understand 
>> that it wrap C libs but it's not clear how to call transaction mechanism 
>> from julia.
> I do not know for sure about MySQL, as I'm a PostgreSQL guy, but it (as 
> most databases, but not the standard?) starts in autocommit mode.
> To start a transaction you do (these commands as any "other" query, not 
> like INSERT is a query..):
> BEGIN; -- OR BEGIN WORK; -- that may be in the standard way..
> Then do your INSERTs (prepared statments can be better here for security 
> but not speed, while can also help for speed in queries), e.g in a loop. 
> This way you do not need individual multi-inserts.
> COMMIT; -- OR COMMIT WORK; -- here ROLLBACK is an alternative (I guess 
> with InnoDB, but not traditional MySQL).
> This is independent of how you execute queries, but some database 
> abstraction layers have something like beginTransation() etc. [This might 
> be available in a database abstraction layer, those are a good idea anyway, 
> as you do not want to be tied to MySQL.]
> That isn't really needed; It doesn't do anything more complicated, unless 
> you have nested transactions, that you probably do not need. You may want 
> to loop up "mini-batching" also if you have a lot of inserts (pros and 
> cons), that is if the database does not handle number of inserts.
> I will be glad if you can provide very short explanation or example. 
> -- 
> Palli.

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