If you use .cpp the compiler decides to compile it as C++ and so uses
name-mangling (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_mangling#C.2B.2B). If you
want to compile as C++ but have ccall'able signatures, put an `extern "C" {
... }` around the C entrypoints.

FYI: you can debug this kind of question by using `nm` to see the list of
exports (on linux and mac, there are similar tools on windows).

On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 8:14 AM, Guillaume <zahar.guilla...@gmail.com>

> Hi !
> I'm trying to implement an interface between Julia and a program
> developping in C++. For that I would like to use ccall from Julia to call C
> functions which call C++ functions of my program in a shared library. When
> I create a shared library from a file.c it works but when I create a shared
> library with the same function in a file.cpp and call it from Julia I've
> got this error :
> *ERROR: ccall: could not find function hello in library libtest*
> * in anonymous at no file*
> I really don't understand why the simple fact to name my file "file.cpp"
> instead of "file.c" change something. In both case I generate a "file.o"
> with -fPIC option and put it in a shared library... Can someone explain me
> the reason please?
> Guillaume

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