Oh, I see, this is in this issue: 

On Tue, 2016-08-02 at 10:52, Mauro <mauro...@runbox.com> wrote:
> Yes, test2 is slower on 0.4 (expected), test1 is slower on 0.5 (weird)
> on my Linux (Intel) machine.  Christoph is right, in 0.5 these should
> preform the same.  And certainly, no function should be 1000x slower on
> 0.5 than on 0.4.
> A quick search did not turn up a bug report:
> https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Aregression+label%3Aperformance
> Please file one!
> Other weird thing is that (on 0.5) @code_warntype and @code_llvm return
> both exactly the same code.  However, @code_native is very short for
> test2 and long for test1.
> Weirder: if I re-include the file, then both functions run fast and then
> the @code_native.  Or, running below file, I get equal results:
> function test1(N)
>   r = 0.234; s = 0.0
>   for n = 1:N
>     s += r^3 + r^5
>   end
>   return s
> end
> function test2(N, f1)
>   r = 0.234; s = 0.0
>   for n = 1:N
>     s += f1(r)
>   end
>   return s
> end
> g1(r) = r^3 + r^5
> test1(BigInt(10))  # <--- force one compilation for something else than Int
> test1(10)          # then compilation for Int produces a fast function
> test2(10, g1)
> @time 1 # warm-up @time itself
> println("Test1: hard-coded functions")
> @time test1(1_000_000)
> @time test1(1_000_000)
> @time test1(1_000_000)
> println("Test2: pass functions")
> @time test2(1_000_000, g1)
> @time test2(1_000_000, g1)
> @time test2(1_000_000, g1)
> So, it seems that the first compilation is messed up but subsequent
> compilations are fine.
> On Tue, 2016-08-02 at 07:01, Eric Forgy <eric.fo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I still don't understand the details of the new functions in v0.5. but I'd
>> be inclined to think this test depends on whether you're on v0.4.6 or
>> v0.5.0.
>> On Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at 12:53:27 PM UTC+8, Greg Plowman wrote:
>>> I get timing/allocations the other way around. (test1, hard-coded version
>>> is fast without allocation)
>>> @code_warntype for test2 shows type-instability for s (because return type
>>> cannot be inferred for f1)
>>> On Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at 2:33:24 PM UTC+10, Christoph Ortner wrote:
>>>> Below are two tests, in the first a simple polynomial is "hard-coded", in
>>>> the second it is passed as a function. I would expect the two to be
>>>> equivalent, but the second case is significantly faster. Can anybody
>>>> explain what is going on?  @code_warntype doesn't show anything that would
>>>> explain it?
>>>> function test1(N)
>>>>     r = 0.234; s = 0.0
>>>>     for n = 1:N
>>>>         s += r^3 + r^5
>>>>     end
>>>>     return s
>>>> end
>>>> function test2(N, f1)
>>>>     r = 0.234; s = 0.0
>>>>     for n = 1:N
>>>>         s += f1(r)
>>>>     end
>>>>     return s
>>>> end
>>>> g1(r) = r^3 + r^5
>>>> test1(10)
>>>> test2(10, g1)
>>>> println("Test1: hard-coded functions")
>>>> @time test1(1_000_000)
>>>> @time test1(1_000_000)
>>>> @time test1(1_000_000)
>>>> println("Test2: pass functions")
>>>> @time test2(1_000_000, g1)
>>>> @time test2(1_000_000, g1)
>>>> @time test2(1_000_000, g1)
>>>> # $ julia5 weird_test2.jl
>>>> # Test1: hard-coded functions
>>>> #   0.086683 seconds (4.00 M allocations: 61.043 MB, 50.75% gc time)
>>>> #   0.142487 seconds (4.00 M allocations: 61.035 MB, 76.91% gc time)
>>>> #   0.025388 seconds (4.00 M allocations: 61.035 MB, 4.28% gc time)
>>>> # Test2: pass functions
>>>> #   0.000912 seconds (5 allocations: 176 bytes)
>>>> #   0.000860 seconds (5 allocations: 176 bytes)
>>>> #   0.000846 seconds (5 allocations: 176 bytes)

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