Hey I reinstalled Julia and am now wondering why the animation part of 
plots doesnt work anymore. It did before...
I presume I'm lacking dependencies though which ones?

The following produces an error.

anim=@animate for i=0:100
gif(anim, dirname(@__FILE__)*"\\anim.gif", fps=30)

and the error is :

Unzulâ–’ssiger Parameter - 3
WARNING: Tried to create gif using convert (ImageMagick), but got error: 
ErrorException("failed process: Process(`convert -delay 3 -loop 0 
'C:\\cygwin64\\tmp\\jul28E7.tmp\\*.png' -alpha off 
ProcessExited(4)) [4]")
ImageMagick can be installed by executing `Pkg.add("ImageMagick")`
Will try ffmpeg, but it's lower quality...)
ERROR: LoadError: could not spawn `ffmpeg -v 0 -framerate 30 -i 
'C:\cygwin64\tmp\jul28E7.tmp/%06d.png' -y 
'C:\Users\Diger\Documents\Julia\Plotting\anim.gif'`: no such file or 
directory (ENOENT)
 in _jl_spawn at process.jl:262
while loading C:\Users\Diger\Documents\Julia\Plotting\animation.jl, in 
expression starting on line 6

When I first used the animation thingy I also had this error. But this was 
fixed after adding ImageMagick...

Also now I do have ImageMagick installed and it seemed to have run through 
without any problems, still the error persists...

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