Here is the code for the examples:

luni, 15 august 2016, 10:20:18 UTC+2, Adrian Salceanu a scris:
> Erik, thank you very much.
> In a few lines, here is the use case (for a standard MVC web app): 
> 1. the user defines some template code which is stored in a view file. 
> Think HTML with embedded Julia code for interpolating variables, if/else, 
> loops, etc. 
> A very basic example would look like this: 
> <html>
>   <head>
>     <title>
>       %= page_title
>     </title>
>   </head>
>   <body>
>     <h1>
>       %= greeting
>     </h1>
>     <p>
>       <% if is_logged_in :>
>         Edit account
>       <: else :>
>         Login
>       <: end %>
>     </p>
>   </body>
> </html>
> 2. there are some very simple parsing rules, such as: 
> a. "%=" means the line should be interpreted as Julia and outputted, 
> b. "<% ... %>" defines a multiline Julia block 
> c. everything else should be considered raw output 
> 3. the variables used in the template have to be defined / set beforehand 
> by the user, usually in a controller file - and somehow be made available 
> to the template rendering function
> ---
> This means that: 
> a. I do not know the variables beforehand, they are user inputed as part 
> of the template. 
> b. also, it's not an issue of "This is indeed one of the strengths of 
> Julia, and it requires neither string manipulation, nor parsing, nor 
> creating files nor include.". I can not avoid creating, loading and parsing 
> files, because that's what I want to do. I want to allow the users to 
> create view files that are basically HTML files with embedded Julia code. 
> b. I'm looking for a way to load and interpret multiline template code 
> stored in a file. This seems to be tricky by itself as parse(...) works 
> line by line (not good for me, I need to interpret the whole block at once, 
> for example to handle if/else blocks) and I could not find a functional 
> alternative for quote ... end or a way to pass a string into a quote ... 
> end block. Like I said, the only thing close to achieving this would be 
> include_string()
> c. I'd like to do this in a performant manner by avoiding the dreaded 
> global scope (but not really by avoiding eval, which I think it's a 
> necessary evil in this case). 
> ---
> Strictly addressing your questions: 
> > If the variables are declared in a function, then there must be code 
> that uses them; how would this code know which variables exist? Is there 
> e.g. a globally known list of variables that will be provided? Or will the 
> variables e.g. only be used in strings to generate html code?
> I go over the template file line by line and generate Julia code (as a 
> string). This code is either logic (if/else, loops, etc) or raw output. For 
> instance, the parsing of the above template would generate the following 
> Julia code: 
> "____output = Vector{AbstractString}()\npush!(____output, 
> \"<html>\")\npush!(____output, \"  <head>\")\npush!(____output, \"   
>  <title>\")\n____L9OHE6m05ZtELQIOMV8PPH0L = page_title\npush!(____output, 
> \"\$(____L9OHE6m05ZtELQIOMV8PPH0L)\")\npush!(____output, \"   
>  </title>\")\npush!(____output, \"  </head>\")\npush!(____output, \" 
>  <body>\")\npush!(____output, \"    <h1>\")\n____wHbq5V7InZ2OJKpatWu7MtUU = 
> greeting\npush!(____output, 
> \"\$(____wHbq5V7InZ2OJKpatWu7MtUU)\")\npush!(____output, \"   
>  </h1>\")\npush!(____output, \"    <p>\")\nif 
> is_logged_in\npush!(____output, \"        Edit 
> account\")\nelse\npush!(____output, \"       
>  Login\")\nend\npush!(____output, \"    </p>\")\npush!(____output, \" 
>  </body>\")\npush!(____output, \"</html>\")\npush!(____output, \"\")"
> Then this code is eval'd - at this time, the variables should already be 
> in scope otherwise Julia won't find them. 
> Yes, the variables are only used to generate HTML code. So ideally they 
> should only be visible in the minimum scope necessary to eval this code. 
> > Can you elaborate on why you want to access dictionary elements as local 
> variables?
> I was hoping this could be an approach to eval the code with its vars in a 
> non-global scope. Something in the lines of: 
> function render_tpl(output::AbstractString, vars::Dict{Symbol,Any})  # 
> output would be the above generated code and vars the list of vars used in 
> the template
>   # code here to expand the vars dict into function local variables
>   # code here to eval the output (which would be the "____output = 
> Vector{..." code above) -- this would automatically have access to the vars
>   # return the resulted ____output Vector which now contains the rendered 
> template 
> end
> Thanks,
> Adrian
> duminică, 14 august 2016, 17:59:40 UTC+2, Erik Schnetter a scris:
>> Adrian
>> Can you give more details for how the variables would be used? If the 
>> variables are declared in a function, then there must be code that uses 
>> them; how would this code know which variables exist? Is there e.g. a 
>> globally known list of variables that will be provided? Or will the 
>> variables e.g. only be used in strings to generate html code?
>> You can generate the syntax tree for function that contains the 
>> definitions from the dictionary, and then use `eval` to create the 
>> function. (Alternatively, you can use a macro or a generated function.) 
>> This is indeed one of the strengths of Julia, and it requires neither 
>> string manipulation, nor parsing, nor creating files nor include.
>> Here is an example:
>> fun_expr(var, val) = quote
>>     function f(x)
>>         $var = $val
>>         x + y
>>     end
>> end
>> eval(fun_expr(:y, :42))
>> `fun_expr` creates a syntax tree (an `Expr`) that defines a function. The 
>> function is quoted. The function arguments `var` and `val` are inserted 
>> into that function, forming an assignment. Thus `var` better be an 
>> identifier (or something else that can be on the left of an assignment 
>> operator), and `val` can be an arbitrary value. Given how the function 
>> looks, `var` essentially has to be `y` since it's used in the next line; of 
>> course, this was just my arbitrary choice.
>> The call to `eval` then passes the respective arguments, choosing the 
>> symbol `y` for the variable name, and the value `42` as value, and defines 
>> the function `f`. If you then call `f(2)`, the result is 44.
>> Of course, you can define this function `f` only once. Julia does not 
>> allow changing functions. If you want to create many different functions, 
>> you would use anonymous functions instead.
>> Having said this -- it's not clear that this is indeed the right way to 
>> address your problem; there might be a better solution. Can you elaborate 
>> on why you want to access dictionary elements as local variables?
>> -erik
>> On Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 11:13 AM, Adrian Salceanu <> 
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks
>>> Maybe I wasn't clear enough - otherwise, can you please elaborate, I'm 
>>> definitely still poking around, any clarifications would be highly 
>>> appreciated. 
>>> > creating a new module
>>> -> the module is available at compile time (the users of the templating 
>>> system will place the vars in there, by convention). 
>>> > parse julia code
>>> -> it's not really parsing julia code, it has no meaning at the point. 
>>> It's simply basic string processing and it's fast - tried with a 10K lines 
>>> HTML file, no sweat. 
>>> > defining globals 
>>> -> why are they globals? include_string() is used inside a function, 
>>> inside a module within the app. 
>>> > eval in a module
>>> -> true, but then what can we do? That's the way of doing 
>>> metaprogramming in Julia, and it's widely used, isn't it? 
>>> I guess that would be the price for not having to do 
>>> print("<html><head>...") like our ancestors used to in PHP or ASP, when not 
>>> being chased by tigers (or something around that age). 
>>> duminică, 14 august 2016, 15:01:47 UTC+2, Yichao Yu a scris:
>>>> On Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 6:13 PM, Adrian Salceanu <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Variables contained in a module and then parsed Julia code included 
>>>>> within a function using include_string(). 
>>>>> Any obvious performance issues with this approach? 
>>>> Everything about it?
>>>> Literally every steps are hitting the slow path that is only meant to 
>>>> execute at compile time and not runtime. Including
>>>> Creating a new module, parse julia code, eval in a module, defining 
>>>> globals.
>>>>> duminică, 14 august 2016, 12:11:06 UTC+2, Adrian Salceanu a scris:
>>>>>> OK, actually, that's not nearly half as bad. Variables contained in a 
>>>>>> module 
>>>>>> include("src/Ejl_str.jl")
>>>>>> using Ejl
>>>>>> module _
>>>>>>   couñtry = "España"
>>>>>>   lang = "en"
>>>>>> end
>>>>>> function render_template()
>>>>>>   tpl_data = ejl"""
>>>>>> <% if _.lang == "en" :>
>>>>>> Hello from me, ...
>>>>>> <: else :>
>>>>>> Hola
>>>>>> <: end %>
>>>>>> %= _.couñtry == "España" ? "Olé" : "Aye"
>>>>>> moo
>>>>>> """
>>>>>>   include_string(join(tpl_data, "\n"))
>>>>>>   join(____output, "\n")
>>>>>> end
>>>>>> render_template() |> println
>>>>>> Hello from me, ...
>>>>>> Olé
>>>>>> moo
>>>>>> duminică, 14 august 2016, 11:20:37 UTC+2, Adrian Salceanu a scris:
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Yes, I've thought about a few ways to mitigate some of these issues: 
>>>>>>> 1. in the app I can setup a module (like Render) and evaluate into 
>>>>>>> this module exclusively. 
>>>>>>> Hence, another approach might be to have some helper methods that 
>>>>>>> setup the variables in the module and then eval the template itself 
>>>>>>> inside 
>>>>>>> the module too (must try though). So something in the lines of: 
>>>>>>> set(:foo, "foo")
>>>>>>> set(:bar, [1, 2, 3])
>>>>>>> parse_tpl(ejl"""$(foo) and $(bar)""")
>>>>>>> # all the above gets parsed in Render
>>>>>>> 2. break the parsing in 2 steps: 
>>>>>>> a. reading the template string and parse it to generated Julia code 
>>>>>>> (as strings) (an array of Julia code lines) - cache it 
>>>>>>> b. (load strings from cache and) eval the code together with the 
>>>>>>> vars 
>>>>>>> ===
>>>>>>> Another approach (which is how it's done in one of the Ruby 
>>>>>>> templating engine) is to generate a full function definition, whose 
>>>>>>> body 
>>>>>>> parses the template and takes the variables as params. And then eval 
>>>>>>> and 
>>>>>>> execute the function with its params. However, I'm still struggling 
>>>>>>> with 
>>>>>>> the metaprogramming API as for instance parse() chokes on multiple 
>>>>>>> lines, 
>>>>>>> and I couldn't find a functional equivalent of a quote ... end blocks. 
>>>>>>> But 
>>>>>>> I'm hoping include_string() will do the trick (must test though). 
>>>>>>> sâmbătă, 13 august 2016, 15:20:01 UTC+2, Yichao Yu a scris:
>>>>>>>> On Sat, Aug 13, 2016 at 8:06 PM, Adrian Salceanu <
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> That's pretty difficult as my goal is to use embedded Julia as the 
>>>>>>>>> templating language. Similar to Ruby's ERB, ex: 
>>>>>>>>> So say in the template I have something like 
>>>>>>>>> <% if foo == "bar" %>
>>>>>>>>> Bar
>>>>>>>>> <% else %>
>>>>>>>>> Baz
>>>>>>>>> <% end %>
>>>>>>>>> The idea is to use Julia itself to parse the code block and Julia 
>>>>>>>>> will raise an error is foo is not defined. So I can't really look it 
>>>>>>>>> up. 
>>>>>>>> It's ok to use the julia syntax and parser but it's a pretty bad 
>>>>>>>> idea to use the julia runtime to actually evaluating the expression, 
>>>>>>>> and 
>>>>>>>> absolutely not by making them reference to local variables.
>>>>>>>> For a start you are not allowed to reference local variables by 
>>>>>>>> names anyway.
>>>>>>>> You also shouldn't allow reference to/overwrite of other local 
>>>>>>>> variables (i.e. the template namespace should be fully isolated and 
>>>>>>>> independent of any scope in the template engine).
>>>>>>>> Since you want to eval, it seems that efficiency is not an issue, 
>>>>>>>> in which case you can create an anonymous module and eval/create 
>>>>>>>> globals in 
>>>>>>>> that module. This should also be reasonably fast if you are only using 
>>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>>> template once.
>>>>>>>> If you want to use it multiple time and compile the template, you 
>>>>>>>> should then scan for variable references in the expressions and 
>>>>>>>> process it 
>>>>>>>> from there.
>>>>>>>>> I can either do 
>>>>>>>>> <% if _[:foo] == "bar" %> 
>>>>>>>>> or 
>>>>>>>>> <% if _(:foo) == "bar" %>
>>>>>>>>> but it's not that nice. 
>>>>>>>>> sâmbătă, 13 august 2016, 13:24:18 UTC+2, Yichao Yu a scris:
>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Aug 13, 2016 at 7:13 PM, Adrian Salceanu <
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>> It's for a templating engine. The user creates the document (a 
>>>>>>>>>>> string) which contains interpolated variables placeholders and 
>>>>>>>>>>> markup. When 
>>>>>>>>>>> the template is rendered, the placeholders must be replaced with 
>>>>>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>>>>>> corresponding values from the dict.
>>>>>>>>>>> The lines in the template are eval-ed and so Julia will look for 
>>>>>>>>>>> the variables in the scope. So the vars should be already defined.
>>>>>>>>>> You should explicitly look up those variables in the dict instead.
>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, ultimately I can force the user to use a dict (or rather a 
>>>>>>>>>>> function for a bit of semantic sugar) - which is preferable from a 
>>>>>>>>>>> performance perspective, but less pretty end error prone from the 
>>>>>>>>>>> user 
>>>>>>>>>>> perspective.
>> -- 
>> Erik Schnetter <> 

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