I see. Thanks!

On Monday, 22 August 2016 18:28:15 UTC-5, Yichao Yu wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 4:58 AM, Achu <ach...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
>> I have a simple piece of code that finds me 10001 prime numbers. 
>> function a()
>> pl=[2]
>> n=3
>> ct=1
>> while(ct<10001)
>>     isnprime=true
>>     for a in pl  
>>         if n%a==0
>>             isnprime=false
>>             break
>>         end
>>     end
>>     if isnprime
>>         push!(pl,n)
>>         ct+=1
>>     end
>>     n+=2
>> end
>>     return pl
>> end
>> When I tweaked the code to check only prime factors less than the sqrt of 
>> the number, it slowed it down by a factor of 3.
>> function a()
>> pl=[2]
>> n=3
>> ct=1
>> while(ct<10001)
>>     isnprime=true
>>     for a in pl[pl.<sqrt(n)]
> Loops are as fast as "vectorized" (in MATLAB sense) array operations so 
> this won't give you any speed improvement at all.
> The loop was operating on all the elements (O(n)) and the check you add is 
> also O(n) with possibly a larger constant factor since it allocates 
> multiple arrays
> Simply do
> if a >= sqrt(n)
>    break
> end
> should work
>>         if n%a==0
>>             isnprime=false
>>             break
>>         end
>>     end
>>     if isnprime
>>         push!(pl,n)
>>         ct+=1
>>     end
>>     n+=2
>> end
>>     return pl
>> end
>> Why is that?

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