Using a captured variable in a closure makes it somehow a
Generator defines an anonymous with maxV so it is hitting something like 
Smaller repro
function c!{T}(::T,P)
  if length(P)>2
    maxV = one(T)
    d = x->maxV

On Friday, September 9, 2016 at 1:02:29 PM UTC+3, Patrick Kofod Mogensen 
> So, I am kind of confused here. In my code, a maxV = maximum(V) is labeled 
> as Core.Box in @code_warntype, but if I remove a line after the line where 
> maxV is calculated, it is correctly labelled as eltype(V). Can anyone 
> explain what happens/what I am doing wrong here? This is not the whole 
> function, I've tried to remove all irrelevant code.
> V = [0.,]
> P = Vector{Float64}[[0.0,], [0.0,]]
> U = Vector{Float64}[[1.,], [1.,]]
> F = Matrix{Float64}[eye(1), eye(1)]
> b = 0.9
> function c!{T}(P, U, b::T, F, V)
> if length(P) > 2
>         maxV = maximum(V)
>         d = sum(exp(U[ia]+b*F[ia]*V-maxV) for ia = 1:length(P))::T
>     end
>     P
> end
> # This shows maxV as Core.Box
> @code_warntype    c!(P, U, β, F, V)
> function c!{T}(P, U, b::T, F, V)
> if length(P) > 2
>         maxV = maximum(V)
>     end
>     P
> end
> # This does not show maxV as Core.Box, but as eltype(V) as I expected
> @code_warntype    c!(P, U, β, F, V)
> Thanks

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