I usually use a combination of @spawn and fetch. @spawn fires a lightweigth 
task that can return a value of any type, which can be collected by the 
main thread with fetch:

refs = Vector{RemoteRef}(N)
for i in 1:N
refs[i] = @spawn begin doSomethingAndReturnValueOfTypeT end

for i in 1:N
v[i] = fetch(refs[i])

I'm not aware if there is a better way, as far as I know SharedArrays don't 
work with user-defined types.
You need to have worker threads for this to be of any use, by using 
addprocs() or by starting julia with the -p flag, for instance $ julia -p 4.

I hope that helps,

On Friday, September 9, 2016 at 7:51:59 AM UTC-3, ami...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hello,
> What would be the best option to parallelize this code:
> type T a end
> f(i) = T(i)
> v = map(f, collect(1:1:100))
> This example could sound stupid but the point is that I have a function 
> ```f``` that returns a rather complicated user-defined type ```T```, and I 
> need to store a lot of these types in an ```Array```.
> I've read a bit about the parallel paradigm of Julia and I honestly 
> wouldn't know how to do such a thing.
> Any hint?
> Many thanks!

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