Hi David this is very cool and useful!  I'd be happy to have it in
PlotRecipes if you don't find a better home for it.  If there's a generic
function to produce an adjacency list then we could use my graph recipes.
When I have the time (i.e. soonish when I really want nicer graphs) I plan
on incorporating the new GraphLayout into the recipes.  Let me know.


On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 10:12 AM, David P. Sanders <dpsand...@gmail.com>

> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-mtiBFUuqKww/V-Pmryhi8ZI/AAAAAAAAF6g/Gt-E1jDC_sECP6JTp1NIjWnoi1Gd6gOpgCLcB/s1600/Screen%2BShot%2B2016-09-21%2Bat%2B5.25.35%2BPM.png>
> Here's an example of the output.
> El miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2016, 17:24:52 (UTC-4), David P. Sanders
> escribió:
>> Hi,
>> In case it's useful for anybody, the following notebook shows how to use
>> the LightGraphs and TikzGraphs packages
>> to visualize a Julia abstract syntax tree (Expression object) as an
>> actual tree:
>> https://gist.github.com/dpsanders/5cc1acff2471d27bc583916e00d43387
>> Currently it requires the master branch of TikzGraphs.jl.
>> It would be great to have some kind of Julia snippet repository for this
>> kind of thing that is less than a package but
>> provides some kind of useful functionality.
>> David.

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