Or I guess that should be

broadcast_slices(best_response_dimension, player_dimension, payoff_matrix, 

On Saturday, September 24, 2016 at 9:38:55 PM UTC-4, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> I guess, but I'm trying to write a generic program where I don't know the 
> size of the array? I'm trying to find Nash Equilibrium for an n dimensional 
> array, where the player strategies are along dimensions 1:n-1, and the 
> players are along dimension n. So:
> equals_max(x) = x .== maximum(x)
> best_response_dimension(payoff_matrix, dimension) =
>     mapslices(equals_max, payoff_matrix, dimension)
> I'd want to do something like this:
> player_dimension = ndims(payoff_matrix)
> other_dimensions = repeat([1], inner = player_dimension - 1)
> number_of_players = size(payoff_matrix)[player_dimension]
> players = reshape(1:number_of_players, other_dimensions..., 
> number_of_players)
> broadcast_slices(best_response_dimension, payoff_matrix, players)
> On Thursday, September 22, 2016 at 9:00:51 PM UTC-4, Steven G. Johnson 
> wrote:
>> At some point, it is simpler to just write loops than to try and express 
>> a complicated operation in terms of higher-order functions like broadcast.

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