Good news everyone!
I've written a small library that offers various transformations of text to 
special Unicode characters.
The most prominent one is the latex-string to latex-unicode:

"\\itA \\in \\bbR^{nxn}, \\bfv \\in \\bbR^n, \\lambda_i \\in \\bbR: \\itA\\bfv 
= \\lambda_i\\bfv"==> "𝐴 ∈ ℝⁿˣⁿ, 𝐯 ∈ ℝⁿ, λᵢ ∈ ℝ: 𝐴𝐯 = λᵢ𝐯"

It doesn't support the whole range of latex, but I hope it will be enough 
for simple formulas.
I will obviously use this library for latex label support in GLVisualize 
<>, but I hope that this library 
can also be usable in other contexts! (REPL latex renderer?) 
Enjoy with a simple *Pkg.add("UnicodeFun") *(since its freshly registered, 
a Pkg.update() might be needed)

Please feel free to report latex strings that are not working, or help 
adding new transformations! :)


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