Using GR (for the image display) should be fast enough:

using TestImages
using GR

img = testimage("cameraman")
intensities = reshape(reshape(float([:]), 512, 512)

for i in 1:10
    tic(); imshow(intensities, colormap=GR.COLORMAP_GRAY); toc() 

% julia img.jl 

elapsed time: 1.190862896 seconds

elapsed time: 0.007231715 seconds

elapsed time: 0.013265573 seconds

elapsed time: 0.00677057 seconds

elapsed time: 0.012534283 seconds

elapsed time: 0.010761427 seconds

elapsed time: 0.00731559 seconds

elapsed time: 0.009606974 seconds

elapsed time: 0.007050752 seconds

elapsed time: 0.008927604 seconds

The first call is slower because the window has to be set up.


On Sunday, October 16, 2016 at 6:45:00 PM UTC+2, Paul B. wrote:
> Hello, all.  Starting out with Julia.
> I need to display some pseudo-color images so I'm playing around with the 
> ImageView package.  It seems to be running very slowly.  Displaying one of 
> the images from TestImages can take nearly a minute:
> img = testimage( "cameraman" )
> Gray Images.Image with:
>   data: 512×512 Array{ColorTypes.Gray{FixedPointNumbers.UFixed{UInt8,8}},2
> }
>   properties:
>     colorspace: Gray
>     spatialorder:  x y
> julia> tic(); ImageView.view( img ); toc();
> elapsed time: 50.552471225 seconds
> Zooming and other interaction with the mouse is similarly sluggish.
> I didn't expect this for a 512x512 grayscale image.  I am running Julia 
> version 0.5.1-pre+2 and ImageView is running into some issues with 
> deprecated functionality and namespace conflicts.  However, the above did 
> not generate any warnings at all but still took 50 seconds to display.  
> This is all under Linux.  Any ideas why this is happening or if I could be 
> doing something wrong?

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