I love the block syntax for functions as it provides great readability and 
I'm using it heavily as a design pattern to enclose code behind 
authorization or caching. 

For example: 

function article_edit(params::Dict{Symbol,Any}; a::Article = Article())
  with_authorization(:edit, unauthorized_access, params) do auth_scopes
    article = SearchLight.is_persisted(a) ? a : SearchLight.find_one!!(
Article, params[:article_id])
    ejl(:admin, :article, layout = :admin, article = article, params = 
params) |> respond

I was wondering if there's any way to make the auth_scopes param optional 
for the cases when the users are not interested in this passed value. 
Similarly to how in the ruby blocks you're not required to capture the 
values that are passed into, if you don't want them. It will help to 
greatly reduce the noise, especially when multiple params are expected. 

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