I would like to accelerate the move of `julia-users` to 
https://discourse.julialang.org. In the original announcement 
(https://groups.google.com/d/msg/julia-users/Ov1J6MOVly0/cD7vNKOUAgAJ) I 
mentioned a evaluation period of 4 weeks, but since then members of the 
community have been approaching me if we could speed that up. If you take 
issue with speeding things up please let me know.

The timeline for the move is as follows:

   - Discourse is available from now on and we encourage everybody to post 
   new topics there.
   - On Monday November 21th,  9am JST julia-users will be set to read-only 
   - We are not doing an automated migration, because we want to give 
   people the choice of opt-in; as such, we won't move over previous content 
   or previous accounts.

A common concern is whether or not you have to use Discourse as a forum or 
if you can still participate purely through e-mails. 
The short answer to that is that yes, you can! For the long answer head 
over to http://discourse.julialang.org/t/discourse-as-a-mailing-list for a 
description on how to set it up.

If you have any concerns about this move please chime in either here or at 

All the best,

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