OK, that works fine. Thanks. I think it would be a good idea to drop the 
matlab-ism in future versions.


On Thursday, November 17, 2016 at 11:51:09 AM UTC+1, Simon Byrne wrote:

> I'm not familiar with the package in question, but this line:
> w = Any[ 0.1*randn(1,13), 0 ]
> may be what is causing the problem. It is creating a 2-element Vector, the 
> first element of which is a 1x13 Matrix, and the second element is a scalar 
> 0. The analogous object in R would be:
> W = list(matrix(0.1*rnorm(13),nrow=1), 0)
> In Julia, extraneous dimensions have an implicit index of 1 (this is a 
> matlab-ism, and may disappear in future), so w[1], w[1,1], w[1,1,1] are 
> all identical (and equivalent to W[[1]] in R). w[1,:] is a bit of an odd 
> case in that it returns a 1-element Vector containing a Matrix, but would 
> be equivalent to W[1] in R.
> I think what you may want is actually
> w[1][(w[1].<z) & (w[1].>-(z))]
> which can be written more clearly as
> w[1][-z .< w[1] .< z]
> -Simon
> On Thursday, 17 November 2016 09:39:14 UTC, Patrik Waldmann wrote:
>> I guess I should have explained my problem clearer. If I run the code 
>> without w[1,(w[1].<z)&(w[1].>-(z))] = 0, and do:
>> dump(w)
>> Array{Any}((2,))
>>   1: 
>> Array{Float64}((1,13)) 
>> [-0.681392 0.595298 … 0.893845 -3.5044]
>>   2: Float64 22.447679788630705
>> and 
>> println(w[1])
>> [-0.681392 0.595298 -0.394906 0.776983 -1.11178 3.11679 -0.0984956 
>> -2.18501 0.928204 -0.484802 -1.86844 0.893845 -3.5044]
>> println(w[1,1])
>> [-0.681392 0.595298 -0.394906 0.776983 -1.11178 3.11679 -0.0984956 
>> -2.18501 0.928204 -0.484802 -1.86844 0.893845 -3.5044]
>> println(w[1,:])
>> Any[
>> [-0.681392 0.595298 -0.394906 0.776983 -1.11178 3.11679 -0.0984956 
>> -2.18501 0.928204 -0.484802 -1.86844 0.893845 -3.5044]]
>> This is very confusing for an R user like me. How do I access the column 
>> indexes of w[1] and apply the logical expression 
>> w[1,(w[1].<z)&(w[1].>-(z))] = 0 ?
>> Patrik
>> On Thursday, November 17, 2016 at 6:58:14 AM UTC+1, Jeffrey Sarnoff wrote:
>>> good things to know about how indexing works
>>> The indices for a Vector, or a column or row of a Matrix start at *1*
>>> ```
>>> length(avector)   # gets the number of elements in avector
>>> avector[1]        # gets the first item in avector
>>> avector[end]      # gets the final item in avector 
>>> avector[1:end]    # gets all elements of avector
>>> int_column_vector = [10, 20, 30]
>>>  10
>>>  20
>>>  30
>>> int_column_vector[1]
>>>  10
>>> # do not use zero as an index
>>> int_column_vector[ 0 ]
>>> ERROR: BoundsError:
>>> # do not use false, true as indices because avec[ false ] means avec[ 0 ]
>>> ```
>>> in ` w[1,(w[1].<z)&(w[1].>-(z))] = 0 `, the second index can simplify to 
>>> `false`   (consider this)
>>> ```
>>> avec = [ 10, 20, 30 ]
>>> avec1 = avec[ 1 ] 
>>> avec1 == avec[ 1 + false ]
>>> avec2 = avec[  2 ]
>>> avec2 == avec[ 1 + true ] 
>>> ```
>>> As a start, recheck indexing expressions, be more sure they do what you 
>>> want them to do.
>>> On Wednesday, November 16, 2016 at 1:36:57 PM UTC-5, Patrik Waldmann 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'm an R user trying to learn Julia. I got hold of some code from the 
>>>> Knet package that I was playing around with. My goal is to set values to 
>>>> zero in a loop based on a logical expression, but I cannot figure out how 
>>>> the indexing works. Any help would be appreciated (the problem lies in 
>>>> w[1,(w[1].<z)&(w[1].>-(z))] = 0):
>>>> using Knet
>>>> predict(w,x) = w[1]*x .+ w[2]
>>>> lambda = 2
>>>> z = Array{Float64}(1,13)
>>>> loss(w,x,y) = sumabs2(y - predict(w,x)) / size(y,2)
>>>> lossgradient = grad(loss)
>>>> function train(w, data; lr=.1)
>>>>     for (x,y) in data
>>>>         dw = lossgradient(w, x, y)
>>>>         z[:] = lr * lambda
>>>>         w[1] -= lr * dw[1]
>>>>         w[2] -= lr * dw[2]
>>>>         w[1,(w[1].<z)&(w[1].>-(z))] = 0
>>>>     end
>>>>     return w
>>>> end
>>>> url = "
>>>> https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/housing/housing.data
>>>> "
>>>> rawdata = readdlm(download(url))
>>>> x = rawdata[:,1:13]'
>>>> x = (x .- mean(x,2)) ./ std(x,2)
>>>> y = rawdata[:,14:14]'
>>>> w = Any[ 0.1*randn(1,13), 0 ]
>>>> niter = 25
>>>> lossest = zeros(niter)
>>>> for i=1:niter; train(w, [(x,y)]); lossest[i]=loss(w,x,y); end
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Patrik

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