Hello Markus,

Markus Müller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [20070606 - 07:36:37]

> Hi Landon,
> Sunburned Surveyor schrieb:
> > Martin,
> >
> > Are my efforts to slowly integrate GeoTools into OpenJUMP misguided?
> >
> > Markus mentioned using some of the code from the Deegree project.
> > However, I don't know if the Deegree project contains the source
> > code for things like data I/O and map projections. If the Deegree
> > project does contain this code, perhaps Markus can let me know.
> >   
> Well, .. It does... ;-)
> Just have a look at deegree (http://www.deegree.org/). It has a
> public SVN.
> My point simply is: we (lat/lon, being the major developer of
> deegree) work for a while with and contribute to OJ (see Ugo's work,
> and the WFS plugin announced by Stephan). We will contribute more to
> OJ in the future (a number of plugins are planned). If we find the
> funding (and the chances are not so bad) we will start implementing a
> complex Feature Model for OJ (well, if the community wants this). So:
> I think there are some good reasons for looking at deegree and its
> feature model - besides the fact that it is stable and well-tested.


Could you point us to the right direction inside the huge deegree-SVN?
I think this will make the search easier and shows the relevant parts

Personaly I invite everything trying the deegree-framework to see its
capabilities and power within an OWS-environment. One great thing is
that deegree already support WFS 1.1 for example.

0.02 ¢ from Stephan

Stephan Holl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://intevation.de/~stephan
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