
I've found the QName very useful in my DataObject framework which is why I was suggesting using it. It's also nice because it's part of Java so we don't need to have a special jar for a custom identifier. This might then be messy if we want to support using this identifier for many different use cases such as the CRS, feature type names etc.

The only reason we would need it over just an int is if we wanted to support non EPSG defined CRS's which some people may want to do in a custom JUMP implementations if the EPSG definitions don't support their needs.


Michaël Michaud wrote:
I think we should utilize QNames for specifying the CRS so for EPSG codes it would be {EPSG}4326 (this is how QName in java encodes it as a string). By using QName rather than an int it will allow us to support different registries of CRS's.

I'm just curious : is there a technical advantage in specifying crs as QNames or it is just a way to manage namespaces and be able to reference other kinds of CRS than just EPSG:XXX I ask because in my work, I started with a special class of identifier with the following attributes :
private String namespace;
private String id;
private String shortName;
private String name;
private String remarks;

which seemed more useful to me than namespace, name and prefix

but I don't know if I miss something not using QNames


We would need to add the CRS to the task and also support for setting it. I know there was a plugin at some point which did something like this.

We would also need an option to set it for the task, this maybe a pop-up when you create a new task.

The WMS plug-in could be modified to not ask for the CRS if the server supports the current CRS or ask for it if it doesn't or if the CRS isn't set for the task?

The driving need for this for me is I have a projection library and data in different projections which I want to be automatically transformed when loading it into JUMP.


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