Hi Nils,

  I believe you might be running into problems updating because your loop is
blocking the GUI thread.  You might try a LayerViewPanel.repaint() using


On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 6:42 AM, Elton Chan <elton.c...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi there,
> I would like to refresh a layer after changing attribute of each feature in
> the layer based on an event table. The event table records attribute
> assigned to each feature at specified stage. Following is the schema of the
> event table:
> Event(
> StageID int, // StageID defines sequence of the event
> Feature01 int, // value to be assigned to feature 01
> Feature02 int, // value to be assigned to feature 02
> ...
> Feature10 int)
> Based on the StageID sequence, values for each feature would be retrieved
> and updated to corresponding feature. Finally,  update value would be
> visualized by unique colortheming. However, it seems the layer refreshing
> can only be effective outside the ResultSet loop of the event table.
> The following is the program codes:
> Inside execute(PlugInContext context)
> // get a layer
> lyr = context.getLayerManager().getLayer("postgis");
> //create a Resultset RS
> ResultSet RS stat.executeQuery("select * from Event");
> while (RS.next())
> {
> updatePostgisLayer(lyr, RS);//This function updates feature in the layer
> }
> < layer refreshes after the looping all the resultset.
> My question is how to refresh the layer once attribute values are updated
> for each each row of the RecordSet, i.e. immediately after the
> updatePostgisLayer function.
> If I change the query to retrieve specify row (i.e. single row only), layer
> can be refreshed. But it requires to activate it manually for each update.
> I tried to add lyr.fireLayerChanged(LayerEventType.APPEARANCE_CHANGED);
> or lyr.fireAppearanceChanged() after the updatePostgisLayer function but it
> didn't work.
> Anyone can help?
> thanks,
> Elton
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