SkyJUMP has some limited support for GDAL via the OGR2OGR file conversion
utility.  I recommend the FWTools <>binaries
which support windows and linux.  If you stick to command line stuff JNI is
not needed.


Larry Becker

On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 9:25 AM, Chris Warner <>wrote:

>  On 15/03/2013 12:06, Rahkonen Jukka wrote:
>  You need to use Sextante image loader (or Pirol plugin) if you want to use 
> 32-bit images is OpenJUMP. If images are your main point, I would recommend 
> to use Saga GIS or Quantum GIS instead.
>  Hi Jukka, thanks for the quick response - you're a  nice guy, really
> appreciate it.
> I am a GIS developer -  I was thinking about helping to code a GDAL
> plug-in, because OJ (or our implementation at least) could really use some
> advanced raster functions.
> I came across this thread below and agree with both you and Landon, this
> would help OJ compete with the likes of QGIS etc.
> What do you, or others think - any ideas suggestions?
> I really think integration of C libraries directly into OJ is a bad
> thing. Incorporating native libraries can be a real challenge when
> your distributing a Java program for MS Windows, Linux, and Mac. It
> also requires that at least some of our Java programmers deal with C
> code when building and distributing OpenJUMP.
> If GDAL was incorporated, I'd like to see that done as a plug-in if
> possible, and not in the core.
> *If GeoTools already wraps GDAL, that is certainly something that is**
> **worth investigating.*
> Landon
> Megabytes do not have so big meaning nowadays but I like still a lot that
> OpenJUMP takes only about 20 MB on the disk and it starts very fast. Kosmo
> comes with 26 dlls (17 MB) and gvSIG with 32 dlls (18 MB). It looks like
> most dlls are needed for GDAL and support of different image formats.
> ....
> *It might be good idea to have the OpenJUMP advanced imagery support as a*
> *
> **separate plugin.*  Compressed tiff files cannot be opened at all. And
> for
> some reason the Sextante raster option does not open our aerial images at
> all, not even as untiled and uncompressed. *It would be very nice to get**
> **better support for different tiff variants.*
> -Jukka Rahkonen-
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