Hi Peppe,

sorry for this blurry answer:
But as far as I remember it uses a finite number of classes. At least I 
remember hacking in RGB values. Then the colouring is applied using 
equal-range classification (Each color-class has the same number of 
value). But it shoulnd't be too difficult to find out.
More fancy classification can be applied by converting the raster to 
vector (point or polygon) and using OJ-Vector styles.
Actually, for better data exploration I often chose this option, i.e. to 
convert to vector and then expect the range of values etc.

Excluding no-data values is possible by defining the range of values to 
color separately. You understand what I mean? I.e. figure out the range 
of raster values or the no data value using the profile tool, and then 
set that range, that does exclude the no-data value, in the color editor.

I did deactivate the no-data value at that time, as it would have taken 
too much time to figure out how that really worked. I.e. it did not work 
when I tested it. So the fastest way to have something ready was to 
simply deactivate it.


Am 09.04.13 04:03, schrieb Giuseppe Aruta:
> Hi all,
> how Raster Color Editor defines how many intervals of color to apply to DTM?
> Is it set to a defined number? If it is a fix interval number, Is it
> possible to make user aware of this (example, instead to show "Raimbow",
> it would be better "Raimbow (12 intervals)"?
> regards
> peppe
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