Hi Michaël,

  I recall it is pretty subjective, but I think I used
EXECUTE_ON_EVENT_THREAD to avoid over-use of threads which can spawn out of
control with the mouse wheel.



On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 3:28 PM, Michaël Michaud <michael.mich...@free.fr>wrote:

>  Hi Larry (Becker),
> I'm slowly progressing on this topic.
> I added different rendering modes in RenderingManager,
> Except the printing stuff, there are only a few classes where new modes
> are used.
> I tested the change on AbstractZoomTool :
> In OpenJUMP, MouseWheel zoom is done on an INTERACTIVE mode
> In SkyJUMP, you use the EXECUTE_ON_EVENT_THREAD mode
> I feel like INTERACTIVE mode gives a better feedback on large datasets
> Is there any motivation to have changed rendering mode to
> EXECUTE_ON_EVENT_THREAD in SKYJump for mousewheel zoom ?
> Michaël
>  Hi Michaël,
>   Thanks for starting this effort.  I'll try to answer your questions as
> best I can.  When I wrote this code four years ago, I was immersed in
> printer lore that I have mostly forgotten.  Here are a few things that I
> can recall: (excuse my lecture tone, I know you are very knowledgeable on
> the subject of rendering)
> 1.  Rendering for interactive display has completely different goals than
> rendering for printing.  It is mostly an issue of responsiveness vs.
> quality.  The JUMP render architecture, as you well know, has excellent
> responsiveness and an especially quick redraw capability thanks to
> per-layer double buffering.  In this aspect it far outperforms ArcMap and
> many other GIS programs.  While this is a positive for interactive use, it
> is a huge negative for printer rendering.  Having a timer-based repaint
> from an off-screen buffer occur while printing causes the output to change
> from vector to raster mode, so defeating double-buffering is very
> important.
> 2. The next issue is that rendering can be multi-threaded and this can
> cause problems for the inherently linear print process.  The best mode for
> printing is to render on the GUI thread because this will block other
> things from interfering with the print process.  This causes side effects
> such as blocking communication with WMS and other server based layers, but
> this is taken care of in the PrinterDriver by creating a Runnable to run in
> a separate task, but under control of the PrinterDriver.
> 3.  The next issue is resolution.  Normally, of course, we render to
> screen resolution which is usually between 72 and 120 dots per inch or a
> pixel size of .~ 28 mm.  I do some tricks to increase the apparent
> resolution without changing the scale.  This is especially an issue when
> there are raster layers.  The PrinterPlugin interface has options to double
> the resolution of raster layers so that even when zooming in on a PDF it
> still appears smooth.
> 4.  There is the issue of transparency.  This is supported in PDF so it
> isn't a problem there, but it will cause problems for a real printer.  The
> UI has options to defeat transparency and other style settings that might
> not look quite so nice on a printer.
> 5.  There are also issues of line width scaling that make linestrings
> almost invisible at printer resolutions.
> Getting back to more practical advice about implementing PDF generation in
> OpenJump, I would recommend you start first by implementing the SkyJUMP
> PrinterDriver and PrinterPlugin.  This will allow you to print to PDF with
> a free PDF print driver without getting into the iText library.  You can
> experiment with commenting out the RenderManager enhancements to see the
> effects, which for some situations may not be too bad. Once you get the
> driver working it should be easy add the iText library which gives the
> direct PDF generation with layers.
> When testing the PDF output always determine first if it is generating
> true vectors by zooming in fully.  Then you may also see the effects of
> decimation as implemented in Java2DConverter and even in
> java.awt.Graphics2D.
> That's all for now.  I've rambled on enough.  Let me know what else I can
> clarify.
> Regards,
> Larry
>>  On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 3:00 AM, Michaël Michaud <
>> michael.mich...@free.fr> wrote:
>>> Hi Larry (Becker),
>>> I've started pdf printer integration in openjump and the main change
>>> that I face
>>> is one in RenderingManager where you introduced 3 rendering mode
>>> public final static int INTERACTIVE = 0;
>>> public final static int SINGLE_THREAD_QUEUE = 1;
>>> public final static int EXECUTE_ON_EVENT_THREAD = 2;
>>> Before I port this change to OpenJUMP (maybe I'll wait after 1.6
>>> release),
>>> I'd like to have a better vision of what problem it is supposed to solve
>>> and
>>> to know if it is related to the add of printing capabilities.
>>> Thanks for all,
>>> Michaël
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