My wife recently asked me to scale back some work on my writing and
publishing business, so I've had a bit more time for OpenJUMP programming
lately. I wanted to share some of my recent work with the list:

1) I accomplished some major work on JUMP-Lib. JUMP-Lib exposes some of the
best parts of the OpenJUMP core as part of a library that supports
multi-threaded programming and very large data sets. (Thanks to Jody
Garnett for some tips on how to implement the support for multiple
threads.) I hope to expose the library through a GUI toolkit that allows
users to create geoprocessing tasks and tasks chains.

2) I've put together an OpenJUMP Software Testing Toolkit that contains
some mocks I developed when testing the CollectCoordinateCursorTool. I hope
to make improvements to this software testing toolkit soon by integrating
the Java Mockito library.

3) I'm working on a two-column GUI patterned after the multi-input dialog
class. It will also implement the Humble Dialog Box Pattern and some basic
data validation. This code will be packaged in the SurveyOS OpenJUMP
Plug-In Toolkit.

4) I've designed a simple CollectCoordinateCursorTool class and listener
interface that can be used by other plug-in developers. This cursor tool
and its supporting classes is fully unit tested. I hope to showcase the
CollectCoordinateCursorTool class in CAD tools I'm developing for OpenJUMP
in the next couple of months. But other programmers could use it now if
they want.

5) I did some improvements and unit testing for my SVG export code. I
should have a LineString SVG export tool ready soon. Export tools for
points, polygons, and feature attributes should come soon.

You can read about this work, and find links to source code on my
resurrected OpenJUMP blog:

I look forward to moving some of this code to maturity in the coming months.


The Sunburned Surveyor
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