Hi Landon,

  Although I'm not an active developer much anymore, I recall having
thought about this issue. My suggestion would be to use the status bar for
prompts like "select the primary linestring".  Then the user doesn't have
to click extra buttons.

My 2 cents.



On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 11:26 AM, Landon Blake <sunburned.surve...@gmail.com>

> Hey guys.
> I'm working on some CAD plug-ins for OpenJUMP. For a couple of the
> plug-ins I need the user to select first a "primary" LineString and then a
> "secondary" LineString. I've been peeking at the core source code and
> Javadoc this morning and can't find a place where this is done already.
> I'm thinking I can do this by creating a GUI panel with two buttons. The
> first button would activate the select features tool. I'd then grab the
> selected LineString. The second button would activate the select features
> tool a second time and would allow the user to grab the second LineString.
> Here are some questions:
> How do I return focus to my plug-in dialog after the user finishes
> selection with the SelectFeaturesTool? Can I do this with the built in
> tool, or do I need to create a custom cursor tool to do this?
> Thanks for the help! I'll make sure to share my code (and all of the CAD
> tools) when I'm finished.
> Thanks.
> Landon
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