I've been working a bit on Jukka's idea for a dual attribute merge plug-in
that considers topology. As a first step, I wanted to whip up a
FeatureCollection implementation that features spatial indexing and storage
of some adjacency topology.

Here are a few questions for the group:

1) I noted that we already have an IndexedFeatureCollection class, but that
it is read-only. However, the QuadTree class in JTS appears to support
removal of indexed geometry...so we should be able to have a read/write
indexed feature collection. Any comments on this idea?

2) I'm going to write some code that will calculate and store (in-memory)
polygon adjacency. Does anyone already have code like this (for JTS
geometries) they can share?

4) I'll want to store the spatial index and adjacency topology on-disk. Has
anyone tackled these problems yet? I'm thinking about using simple text
files or maybe using Java MapDB (http://www.mapdb.org/). What do you think?

5) I figure I'll integrate this indexed feature collection into the
OpenJUMP API with a plug-in. The user can execute the plug-in to duplicate
the currently selected layer to create an indexed feature collection. Then
there will be a set of plug-ins that only work on these type of feature
collections. Any comments on this plan?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, or any code. I've got part of the dual
merge plug-in GUI written, and I've started on the code for the indexed
feature collection (with topology). All of that code will live in my SVN.
As soon as I have something of substance, I will post a link.


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