
This version makes connection with out Oracle rather fast and reading data is 

I have one suggestion: If adding a new layer fails because of some ORA-error it 
would be better not to add the layer into the OpenJUMP project. Test case: Add 
a layer with invalid WHERE. It seems to be that if user does not delete those 
non-operating layers then OpenJUMP is sending a new SQL request every time the 
map is panned or zoomed and depending on where the error happens the query may 
run quite a long time.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Nicolas Ribot wrote:


Oracle Spatial support has been added to OJ core (read-only).
It works the same way as Postgis support: define a DB connection to Oracle and 
choose spatial layers from the list of found layers to display them in OJ

Oracle 9i -> 12c supported (though only tested recently with Oracle 11i and 

The SpatialDatabases plugin also contains code to support MariaDB/MySQL and 
Spatialite. (SQL Server in the pipe...)

I was thinking about adding this code to the core, too.
What do you think ?


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