> Geoffrey wrote to the list a while ago that he is retiring and wants us
to grab everything because sometime in the future the cadplan website might
go offline.
that's why Peppe moved the code. meaning in the future it's up to us to
enhance/fix his extensions.

Michael, Ede
If it create a proble for j9 I can remove those codes from svn and set to
another sourceforge place.


2017-12-04 12:40 GMT+01:00 <edgar.sol...@web.de>:

> Mike,
> On 04.12.2017 09:06, Michaël Michaud wrote:
> > Ede,
> >
> > Not so fine as jar files were probably intentionally sealed by G. Roy,
> but as far as I understand sealed, the files did not follow the
> requirements.
> well, it's a precaution to not accidentally have a second class definition
> in the class path. afaics it is because the way the PluginClassloader
> overloads the application classloader.
> it is kind of hackish, but alas it works and took long enough to figure
> out how to get all our classes loaded by one classloader.
> also in this case it is definitely not an error as there are merely two
> classloaders seeing the same jar.
> > I removed sealed instruction directly from jar file, but we must find a
> more permanent solution either with Geoffrey Roy, the original author who
> has still maintained the plugins until now or with Peppe (I see he copied
> the source code into the plugin directory last month)
> Geoffrey wrote to the list a while ago that he is retiring and wants us to
> grab everything because sometime in the future the cadplan website might go
> offline.
> that's why Peppe moved the code. meaning in the future it's up to us to
> enhance/fix his extensions.
> > There are two more java 9 compatibility problem :
> >
> > - one with jaxb usage (some explanation here, let me know what you think
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43574426/how-to-resolve-java-lang-
> noclassdeffounderror-javax-xml-bind-jaxbexception-in-j)
> hmm, that's in
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/UnmarshalException
>         at org.openjump.ext.viewmanager.ViewManagerExtension.configure(
> ViewManagerExtension.java:21)
>         at com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.plugin.PlugInManager.
> loadConfigurations(PlugInManager.java:212)
>         at com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.plugin.PlugInManager.load(
> PlugInManager.java:192)
>         at com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.JUMPWorkbench.main(
> JUMPWorkbench.java:457)
>         at com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.JUMPWorkbench.main(
> JUMPWorkbench.java:386)
> need to have a look at that.
> > - one in ojmapcoloring-0.5.jar extensions :  bundle=ResourceBundle.
> getBundle("/org/freevoice/mapcoloring/mapcolorstrings"); do not find the
> resourceBundle. I think this is because it does not pass the
> PlugInClassLoader as a parameter. I don't know if there is a way to change
> the loading mechanism without changing the extension code. Otherwise, we'll
> have to contact Larry Reeder to know if he still want to maintain the
> plugin.
> the main reason to have one classloader to rule them all is that all
> following classloaders will have it as parent and will find all
> classes/resources.
> meaning, ist should not happen ;)
> give me some time.. i am quite busy at the moment.. ede
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