
I feel that you did not quite get what I had in my mind.  At the moment if 
layer has an unknown SRID OJ does know the envelope and reports it in the layer 
properties, but it is not saved with JML as boundedBy (one_point_no_srid.jml)
If SRID is set then <CRSElement>boundedBy</CRSElement> and boundedBy get added 

My question (suggestion) was if boundedBy could be written also in case of 
unknown SRID like in (suggestion_one_point_no_srid.jml).

I made also some tests with layers which do not have any geometries and layers 
which have only empty geometries. For both the envelope is actually 
non-existing but OpenJUMP seems to have an internal fake default envelope 
0.00,0.00 -1.00,-1.00

GDAL developer asked me how to write the boundedBy if the envelope is null and 
gave two alternatives.

1) Use gml:null


2) Not to write gml:boundedBy at all but still keep 
<CRSElement>boundedBy</CRSElement> in the inputTemplate part of JML file.

OpenJUMP seems to be robust and accepts both 1) and 2). And as mentioned, 
internally openJUMP seems to be using method 3) with fake 0,0 -1,-1 extent. Any 
opinions about what I will ask the GDAL developer to do?

 I know that there is a very, very small corner case that alternatives 1) and 
2) can't handle which is empty layers with a known SRID, or layers with 
features but no geometries. I would say that we don't care about those.

I think that I also found a bug in SRID boundedBy writer. If the locale is set 
to Finnish then comma is used as decimal separator.  File "one_point_srid_4326" 
shows this bug.


-----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
Lähettäjä: edgar.sol...@web.de [mailto:edgar.sol...@web.de] 
Lähetetty: 18. tammikuuta 2018 14:31
Vastaanottaja: jump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Aihe: Re: [JPP-Devel] New SRID system and unknown SRID


the envelope is currently always generated by iterating over all feature 
geometries of a vector layer. possibly cached if no geometry changed, not sure 
there is _no_ functionality to read an envelope and memorize it for later for 
vector layers as far as i could see when implementing the GML SRID support.

stormy salutations ..ede

On 18.01.2018 12:43, Rahkonen Jukka (MML) wrote:
> Hi Ede and others,
> New OJ with the SRID support in JML writes our the JML file without 
> boundedBy element when the SRID is not known.  But perhaps it would be 
> good for some use cases to have a fast access to layer extents also in 
> that case by write the boundedBy but without srsName
> <gml:boundedBy>
>     <gml:Box>
>       <gml:coordinates decimal="." cs="," ts=" ">28,00,20,00 
> 110,00,104,00</gml:coordinates>
>     </gml:Box>
>   </gml:boundedBy>
> OpenJUMP reads this data OK and informs in the layer capabilities that the 
> SRID is EPSG:0 (unknown) which feels good to me.
> What do you think?
> -Jukka Rahkonen-
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Attachment: one_point_no_srid.jml
Description: one_point_no_srid.jml

Attachment: one_point_srid_4326.jml
Description: one_point_srid_4326.jml

Attachment: suggestion_one_point_no_srid.jml
Description: suggestion_one_point_no_srid.jml

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