hey Jon,

whois tells me that you are the domain registrant. would you mind setting up 
the CNAME (s.b.) entry?

thanks.. ede

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: ACTION REQUIRED -- SourceForge Network Update for openjump.org
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2018 23:15:51 +0000
From: SourceForge.net <noti...@slashdotmedia.com>
Reply-To: SourceForge.net Support <sfnet_...@slashdotmedia.com>
To: edgar.sol...@web.de

Hello, admin of SourceForge project jump-pilot:

Due to upcoming network changes at SourceForge, the IP address for hosting
openjump.org will soon change.  Because DNS for your site is managed outside of
our network, you will need to log into your domain name's respective DNS control
panel and update its IP address to point to our new network.  We recommend
performing this update as soon as possible to prevent downtime for your site.
The former IP addresses will be retired no later than February 14, 2018.

Please see the settings below and update the records for your domain
accordingly.  If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at

Updated DNS Settings for openjump.org:
If any of these are subdomains (like 'www.') then we recommend using a CNAME
instead of A record.
  CNAME       vhost.sourceforge.net.

If your DNS provider has a feature that lets you create an "A" record from a
domain name (sometimes called an "ANAME" virtual record) you can use
vhost.sourceforge.net for the root of a domain.

Our documentation for hosting custom domains is at

Thank you for your understanding and continued support,

SourceForge DevOps & Support

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