Hi Ede, Michael and others

I want to customize Schema Panel
(com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.SchemaPanel) in order to group in it
all other schema layer action (actualy Copy and Paste Schema) which actualy
are separate plugins. Plus other enhancements.

This is the actual panel

And this is how it will look like after "restyling"

1) The Toolbar is moved to the top of the frame

2) The first button are the usual: Add/Remove/Move down/Move up attribute

3) Afterwards, there are other four commands: Copy Schema, Paste Schema,
Save schema as file, Load schema from file

3) Save schema as file will save the schema as a simple text file. Load
schema from file will load into the layer schema an external schema saved
as file. These 2 plugin will be useful to share schemas within parallel
projects on different data layers.

I will also modify the Layer menu in OpenJUMP, in order to remove the
Schema submenu and keep only a "View /Edit schema" item

What is your opinion?

Best regards

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