Hi Ede,Michael, Yukka and other Jumpers

Since last year I have been working around a new plugin for Openjump. It is
a large set of tools for raster analysis which should simplify some
analysis on geomorphology and hydrology using DEM.
It is a sum of some ideas: a) to reduce all the depency of external
libraries and reuse what is available between Oj and Jts;
b) to reduce ram, time processing and usage of wrappers which affects
Sextante and a bit Openklem  (if users load many rasters in openjump)
c) to add new tools, improve others, explore other aspects of morphologic
and hydrologic analysis with rasters, etc.

The result is set of some dozen of tools for raster analysis in a 1Mb file:
there are still a depency to Jep, White box and ImageJ classes which I
reduced to 150 kb and embedded with the tools .

All the tools organization couples somehow ArcGIS one.
There are also some extra tools like  an importer of other types of raster
and vector files, including multibands and las lidars, a better "export
view to image" with defined scale, frames, etc.

My project is in Sourceforge: I still have problems to use eclipse in
GitHub. In autumn I will complete the tests, move it to GitHub and, if you
agree, add to Openjump (both core and plus).

I was also thinking about to distribute this raster toolset  with
OsGeoLive. The set of tools require JTS 1.8/1.7. Not sure if there are some
regressions with 1.9 ( I don't think as it uses basic geometric classes
from JTS). And I possibly can move it to 1.9 only after July.

This is the documentation page. A bit old as it refers to a raster toolset
that works only with OJ 1.16

These are the last realize versions of raster toolset.
They work either with OJ core and with OJ plus 2.0.

The code is here:

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