Hi Everybody,
I have just upgraded a new version of my plugin Raster Tools

Geo Arbores Raster Tools is a set of tools and plugins that extend
morphometric raster capabilities in OpenJUMP.
It is a pure java software and it is designed to have the minimum
dependency to external libraries and very small size (*currently around 1Mb*)
thanks to reusing OpenJUMP classes. The tools are available in English and

Raster Tools provides;
- a rich toolset of algorithms for  Geomorphological and Hydrological
analysis, including automatic landscape classifications
- several tools for raster analysis (resampling, focal statistics, extract
bands, create multiband rasters...)
- several overlay raster tools (merge rasters into one, clip raster, zonal
- convert some raster files to GeoTIFF, not provided by SextanteRaster ,
included ENVI and ESRI Generic multiband image.
- import as vector most used cloud point files, including LiDAR .las files,
with a set of options (import only bounding box, import every n points,
import only points limited by bounding box of an externa  layer.
- direct interpolation to raster grid of cloud point layers using Delaunay
- several interpolation methods (linear and natural neighbor Delaunay, IDW,
Nearest Neighbor, Spline) of vectors (points and contours) to raster grid
- a valid  raster 3D viewer adapted from ImageJ
<https://imagej.nih.gov/ij/download.html> one (Public domain)

The new version is here: RasterTools-2.0.2-28112022.jar
while the source code is available here: RasterTools-2.0.3-28112022.zip

What are the benefits of Raster Tools:
a) The plugin file  is small (1 Mb) and contains all the libraries it
needs. It is a pure java software
b) *RasterTools can work also with OpenJUMP core*
c) All the embedded libraries are provided either as public domain (imageJ)
or as GNU General Public License
<https://sourceforge.net/directory/license:gplv3/> (JEP and some classes of
WhiteBOX GAT) *
d) I limit the usage of external libraries and tried to reuse all the
methods available in OpenJUM
e) all the tools are organized into hierarchical menus, following OpenJUMP
menu specification

Raster Tools project is  available as SVN SourceForge

*Technical notes*

* External libraries into Raster tools define almost 1/4 of the entire jar
a) JEP <https://sourceforge.net/projects/jep/>  java math parse,
https://sourceforge.net/projects/jep/. I used jep 2.2 version removing all
the table algorithm in order to
keep the parser small (only math operations are required). This keep the
size of JEP to around 90kb, compared to the one (jep-2.4.2, 540 kb)
embedded into OpenJUMP.  JEP is used by the raster calculator plugin
Currently JEP jar is required by the following plugins of OpenJUMP:
Sextante, OpenKLEM and my Raster tools. Sextante and OpenKLEM can
easily work using my embedded JEP parser
b) WhiteBox GAT GIS <https://sourceforge.net/projects/whiteboxgat/>. This
is the last version available on SourceForge. The JAVA project has been
dismissed by the author (John Lindsay, personal communication)  in favour
of the  Ruster and Python WhiteBox tools
<https://www.whiteboxgeo.com/geospatial-software/>. I reused a few general
classes like the LAS reader
 (for import LiDAR plugin) and a kd-tree (for the IDW and Nearest neighbor
interpolation plugins).
c) ImageJ <https://imagej.nih.gov/ij/download.html>. I reused a very tiny
version of ImageJ to create a bridge between OpenJUMP Sextante Raster
framework and ImageJ raster framework,
in order to use ImageJ 3D viewer into OpenJUMP

Best regards

Giuseppe Aruta
Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

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