Hi all,
Recently I found more and more image files (jpg and png) where
the coordinate info are stored into an .aux.xml sidecar file, without the
presence of the world file

The aux.xml files are used to store a lot of information. OpenJUMP reads
projection  and raster statistics from this file (and saves raster
statistics to).
But OpenJUMP cannot read coordinate info, generally stored into
the <GeoTransform> tag.

I have the code (currently working only with the RasterImageLayer
framework) to read this coordinate information.

The modification I propose are connected to:
a) reading coordinate from aux.xml sidecar files for RasterImageLayer
b) some refining of the classes code to remove some duplicates

It will affect the following classes (into the package
a) GridFloat and GridAscii to add method getEnvelope()
b) org.openjump.core.rasterimage.WorldFileHandler to add a method to read
coordinate info from .aux.xml file
c) AddRasterImageLayerWizard and RasterImageIO to unify
the getImageDimensions() method and optimize the code in order to read
aux.xml file

If you agree with this modification I will start with the point a) and b)
as the first step. Then c) as last

Best regards

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