
i batteed me head on this one... turns out, to get our VPN stable even though the Checkoint's P2 proposal was set to "Group 2" set the P2 proposal on the juniper to "NO PFS" .. in stead of "DH GROUP2"

I have done this, so our P2 proposal is now NOPFS -aes etc...   and it worked...

Not sure if this is a bug or a feature, but was the only way I got the VPN to work between vendors. For us, PFS just didn't work. You may see this error on the checkpoint > Information: encryption failure: Unknown SPI: 0xaeb72e99 for IPsec packet and something similar on the juniper.

might be worth a shot.


On 03/05/10 22:26, Nick Ryce wrote:
After some further testing it looks like the juniper keeps re-establishing the 
tunnel every 10-20 seconds or so.

Does anyone have real world experience of getting a j2320 ipsec tunnel working 
with an ASA5510?


From: Nicholas Oas [mailto:nicholas....@gmail.com]
Sent: 30 April 2010 13:03
To: Nick Ryce
Subject: Re: [j-nsp] Juniper IPSEC VPN

.- Kerry Milestone                  -.
.- Senior Systems Administrator     -.
.- Networks Team                    -.
.- Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute  -.
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