On Tue, 13 Sep 2016, Chuck Anderson wrote:

I guess I don't understand what you are trying to accomplish then.
Ttaffic engineering specific routes is exactly what RSVP is used for.
The MPLS path should be torn down if there is no available
RSVP-capable route.  Did you try just not configuring RSVP on the
interfaces that can't support MPLS?

The LSP is torn down; the BGP session carrying a bunch of routes for which that LSP is the only viable forwarding path survives. (RSVP is only configured where it ought to be, no "interfaces all" or anything like that.)

The goal is for the BGP-learned routes to disappear along with the LSP -- preferably by just tearing the session down with it, but otherwise invalidating the next-hops would suffice.

I have another idea in my back pocket if this isn't workable, but that involves turning a bunch of P routers into full BGP RRs...

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