On 7/Jul/18 14:00, Alexandre Guimaraes wrote:

> My Usage Cent

Oh wow! Thanks for that, Alexandre. I love to hear such stories, as
that's what network operations is really all about - despite all the
fluff we get fed everyday.

> Ex4550 will be EOS soon... with no replacement of features...  maybe the 
> ACX5448? Who knows

Slightly off-topic, we tried the EX4600 as a way to move away from the
now-EoS EX4550, but Juniper broke that badly with their evil ELS CLI. So
we are moving to Arista's 7280R, and getting rid of all the EX4550's we

I know the Arista does have some MPLS capability, but that is not our
use-case. If you want to consider it for that, then I'd suggest giving
Arista a call and testing.

Have you considered the Cisco ASR920 if you are running MPLS pw's on
your EX4550's?

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