On Tue, 28 Jan 2020 at 11:19, Robert Raszuk <rob...@raszuk.net> wrote:

> So at t0+N I record how many packets entered my system. (We are already at 
> loss here as RE can generate packets unless you add to this RE outbound 
> packets). Then at t0+N+uS (uS) delta of switching via fabric you record 
> number of packets which left the box.
> What is your N and uS ?

You're not gonna get it 1:1, you will monitor the delta rate you see
and react when the delta rate increases. Of course you can keep tuning
this, by adding more and more drop counters to reduce known delta
rate, but you always have to accept you can't explain it perfectly.
But not every small issue is an important issue. Certainly your fabric
lost 30% would have been blatantly obvious even in most naive such

> > You don't need ML/AI to find problems in your network, using algorithm
> > 'this counter which increments at rate X stopped incrementing or
> > started to increment 100 times slower'
> Well the way I read Adam's note was that learning this rate X is what he 
> (IMHO correctly) calls ML :)

What I mean current_rate = X, if now_rate > X*100 or now_rate < X/100,
no ML, just stupid static comparison of dramatic rate change. And even
this is advanced by today's standard. Even counter rate went to 0 from
non-zero or went to non-zero from 0 exposes lot of real issues, but
issues which happen so rarely customers are not complaining about

Particular example, all of us have some ip checksum errors in the
network, when it's on edge router, edge interface ingress direction
you can ignore it 'someone elses problem', but we also see it in other
interface/direction where it means we flipped bits somewhere and
calculated correct FCS over the broken data, i.e. we have broken
memory somewhere. But it probably isn't broken enough to matter, it
probably mangles packets rather rarely.

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