Hi Everyone,

This is my attempt at writing a weekly summary of our video meeting we have 
Tuesday. I’m using the notes that have been taken during the meeting by the
collective effort so the quality of the section depends highly on the 
quality of
the notes taken.

There was no summary last week, so no week 8, as I got stuck because of 
Sorry about that. As usual any help welcome. I also try to keep writing this
summary under 30 min.

With S3 outage, I had difficulty getting the notes in a markdown format so
edition of notes will be likely really lite this week. 
Weekly news by organization 

We’re experimenting with weekly auto generation of statistics. 

   - IPython 
   (in progress) 
   - Jupyter 
   (in progress) 
   - JupyterLab 
   - Jupyter-widgets 
   - JupyterHub 

Carol still run these by hand, any help would be welcome to streamline this 
using travis-ci crons. 
Project management 
   - We’ll use Dropbox paper for another month 
   - Project management tools team tutorial held last Friday, February 24. 
   I will
   post the video and summary to the mailing list after finishing the annual
   report due Weds. 
   - Attended the 
*Hacking at time-bound events* <https://hackathon-workshop.github.io/> 
   workshop at *CSCW* in
   Portland this last Saturday, February 25 (http://cscw.acm.org/2017 -
   Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing). Next step is 
   share workshop outcomes with @Safia & @Kyle K in preparation for 
   - *Binder* sustainability work is moving forward. Next discussion is 
   next week. 
   - *I’ll be at UC Davis next Wednesday morning* to observe Tracy Teal’s 
   of the Publishing and Sharing lessons from the Data Carpentry 
   Research Curriculum. 
   - Giving a *Jupyter overview talk* for the Association for Women in 
   (AWIS) next Wednesday night in SF. 
   - Min and Carol are visiting UC Berkeley next week 
   - Ryan Lovett will try to record the 
*accessibility workshop next Monday, March 6*. So far, Pete, Min, Mike, 
   Darian, Ian, Matthias, and Yuvi are attending. 


We are closing in on 6.0 (https://github.com/ipython/ipython/milestone/33) 
than 25 open issues/PR. Help and feedback welcome. If there are any issue 
you care about not targetted fro 6.0 let us know. 

There’s some work ongoing on automating release steps
(https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/10342), to reduce the amount of 
we need to spend making releases. Hopefully this will generalize to other

Meeseeksdev infer branch to backport to (based on milestone). Just need to 
@meeseeksdev backport now. 5 more seconds gained to backport PRs !

We are attending a Docathon next week, we’ll focus on writing more docs for
IPython and Jupyter. Feel free to join us to help and contribute ! See the
docathon website: https://bids.github.io/docathon/

Some Ideas:

   - Cross-link more function/class/module names in docs with sphinx’s 
   :any: role 
   - Make config options individually linkable with a custom role (see what 
   we do
   for magics as an example) 
   - Document JSON config: https://github.com/jupyter/jupyter/issues/242 

Notebook (Grant, Thomas, Jason) 

Closing in on 5.0 (https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/milestone/5) - 4 open
issues remaining. We’ll hopefully have RC1 or beta2 in the next couple of 

Improving UI for move files dialog: 
nbconvert (Mike) 
   Wrestling with fonts, encodings, LaTeX, Unicode coverage and Travis (see
   issue 533 <https://github.com/jupyter/nbconvert/issues/533> and pr
   537 <https://github.com/jupyter/nbconvert/pull/537>)
   - The solution may be to just have a more directly controllable server on
      which we test using a custom build (rather than trying to convince 
      travis to
      behave nicely). 
      - If anyone has particularly strong feelings about fonts/typography, 
      solution is likely to involve changing the default export fonts, so 
      you may
      want to keep an eye on that issue and pr. 
      - I’m going to be thinking about how to move to a more configurable 
      setup for
      people to customise 
Services - kernel gateway, docker-stacks (Pete) 

nbviewer has been having issues hitting the GitHub API rate limit recently.
After some investigation, a few SEO bots have been identified as the primary
cause, and action taken:

   1. block two ips driving a huge amount of traffic (in fastly) 
   2. update robots.txt to slow down respectful bots 
   3. dramatically increase caching of upstream requests, so that cached 
   can be used more often https://github.com/jupyter/nbviewer/pull/674 
   4. allow using cached responses even if upstream requests fail because a 
   render is better than an error 
   5. implement our own rate limiting in nbviewer, to prevent future 
   from a small number of sources 

The result is that the current situation is much better, when it comes to 

   - the direct source of the traffic is blocked 
   - consumption of the GitHub API is greatly reduced under normal 
   - behavior when the API rate limit is exceeded is greatly improved 
   - considerate bots (that respect robots.txt) should not cause the 
   problem again 
   - inconsiderate bots (or humans) are rate limited, making it a little 
   harder to
   cause the problem again 

I (Min) set up a loggly account to do the log digging. I can invite anyone
interested to get access to the account. I’ve drafted a blogpost it, and
submitted it to the newsletter.
Dashboard and related extensions** (Pete) 

No Pete today
JupyterLab (Steve, Darian) 

We’re working toward a release since the port over to the new version of
PhosphorJS. We have been trying to finish up a set of beta bug fixes before 
ipywidgets (Jason**, Sylvain) (+ Brian, Cameron) 

ipywidgets 6.0 should be released today.
JupyterHub (Min, Carol) 

It’s been a fairly quiet week for JupyterHub with the bulk of the work being
done on issues, questions, and triage. Both Min and Carol will be at 
next week.


   - One week remaining to submit talk to JupyterCon 
   - Please keep drumming up interest in your networks! 

Already Announced:

   - Speaker outreach for JupyterCon <http://jupytercon.com> has begun. 
   share that the Call For Proposal is open with your personal networks. We
   encourage anyone who is considering submitting a talk to do so. 
*Yes, core devs can submit a talk!!* Please contact us with any questions. 
   - Call For Proposals for SciPy opened last week, registration opens Feb. 
   - PyData Amsterdam: 8-9 April, Call For Proposals is due 5 March
   - PyData London: 5-7 May, CFP due 24 February 

Action Items for this week 
   - Does anyone have expertise in the intersection of LaTeX (spec. 
   \fontspec) +
   default LaTeX fonts + Unicode coverage + font formats (+ Travis) 
   especially in
   a cross-platform context? If so, please contact Mike. 
   - Mike is to contact Min when visiting re: Randy and other custom 
   workflows at Simula. (should not need to be copied to next week) 
   - Fernando - Carol is requesting demo notes to share with PyData Ann 
   Arbor on
   Thursday night. 
   - Ping your networks to have people submit talks for JupyterCon! Email 
   friends directly as it’s most effective. 

Releases this week: 
   - JupyterLab 0.17 
   - nbdime-0.3 
   - ipywidgets 6.0 in the next hours 
   - notebook 5.0 beta2 (or rc1) 

Releases soon: 
   - IPython 6.0 is on its way. Probably mid march for a beta, maybe before. 


Thanks you for reading, and thanks a lot for those of you who wrote sections
with full sentences and all the details. Any help to put this document in 
before sending it to the mailing list is welcome. It’s a collaborative 
so anyone can pitch in.

As usual if you have any questions/feedback/corrections like sections too 
to short missing informations, your input is welcomed. We’ll keep these 
for a couple of weeks to see if you find them useful.


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