Hi Brian -

It is possible, and it sounds like you already mostly have the solution!
The example config at the end of the batchspawner README should be roughly
what you want, except that you will use the SudoSpawner instead of
LocalProcessSpawner. Specifically, you need to install all of the spawners
you are using alongside Jupyterhub (e.g. pip install wrapspawner,
batchspawner, and sudospawner into the same virtualenv as jupyterhub) --
the ProfilesSpawner configuration will tell Jupyterhub which spawner to use
in response to the user's menu selection.

Sorry about the confusing state of the documentation about how to do this.
Batchspawner and wrapspawner were originally distributed in the same
repository, and when we split them apart it sounds like we may not have
included enough context on one side or the other. We're happy to get
suggestions about how to improve the docs if you'd like to give us some
feedback when you get a chance.


On Thu, Mar 15, 2018 at 4:58 PM, Brian Fulton-Howard <fulto...@gmail.com>

> As I understand it, I need to use some combination of wrapspawner,
> localspawner, sudospawner and batchspawner. I want to run jupyterhub as an
> unprivileged user, but the admins are happy to edit the sudoers file to
> make it work. What I'd like to do is give users in my lab a choice to start
> on the LSF cluster (batchspawner) or locally (localspawner). Wrapspawner
> would provide the interface to make a selection.
> Is this possible, and how would I go about doing it? I looked in the
> documentation for the various spawners and didn't find any detailed
> information.
> The cluster supports PAM, so I don't need any special authenticator.
> --
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