Awesome and Congratulation !

Please give a round of applause for Matthew Seal who recently got commit
right to nbconvert, and just did his first release !

Thanks for the good work !

On Thu, 6 Sep 2018 at 22:06, Matthew Seal <> wrote:

> NBConvert 5.4
> After a long period between releases, we are pleased to announced
> nbconvert 5.4.0!
> It is available via pypi (pip install nbconvert -U) and conda-forge (conda
> install nbconvert -c conda-forge).
> For full details about the release, see the changelog
> <>,
> but we've highlighted the significant changes below.
> Significant Changes
> Deprecations
> Python 3.3 support was dropped. The version of python is no longer common
> and new versions have many fixes and interface improvements that warrant
> the change in support.
> Changes in how we handle metadata
> There were a few new metadata fields which are now respected in nbconvert.
> ``nb.metadata.authors`` metadata attribute will be respected in latex
> exports. Multiple authors will be added with ``,`` separation against their
> names.
> ``nb.metadata.title`` will be respected ahead of ```` for
> title assignment. This better matches with the notebook format.
> ``nb.metadata.filename`` will override the default
> ``output_filename_template`` when extracting notebook resources in the
> ``ExtractOutputPreprocessor``. The attribute is helpful for when you want
> to consistently fix to a particular output filename, especially when you
> need to set image filenames for your exports.
> The ``raises-exception`` cell tag
> (``nb.cells[].metadata.tags[raises-exception]``) allows for cell exceptions
> to not halt execution. The tag is respected in the same way by `nbval <
>>`_ and other notebook
> interfaces. ``nb.metadata.allow_errors`` will apply this rule for all
> cells. This feature is toggleable with the ``force_raise_errors``
> configuration option.
> Errors from executing the notebook can be allowed with a
> ``raises-exception`` tag on a single cell, or the ``allow_errors``
> configurable option for all cells. An allowed error will be recorded in
> notebook output, and execution will continue.
> If an error occurs when it is not explicitly allowed, a
> ``CellExecutionError`` will be raised.
> If ``force_raise_errors`` is True, ``CellExecutionError`` will be raised
> for any error that occurs while executing the notebook. This overrides both
> the ``allow_errors`` option and the ``raises-exception`` cell tags.
> Configurable kernel managers when executing notebooks
> The kernel manager can now be optionally passed into the
> ``ExecutePreprocessor.preprocess`` and the ``executenb`` functions as the
> keyword argument ``km``. This means that the kernel can be configured as
> desired before beginning preprocessing.
> This is useful for executing in a context where the kernel has external
> dependencies that need to be set to non-default values. An example of this
> might be a Spark kernel where you wish to configure the Spark cluster
> location ahead of time without building a new kernel.
> Overall the ExecutePreprocessor has been reworked to make it easier to
> use. Future releases will continue this trend to make this section of the
> code more inheritable and reusable by others. We encourage you read the
> source code for this version if you're interested in the detailed
> improvements.
> Surfacing exporters in front-ends
> Exporters are now exposed for front-ends to consume, including classic
> notebook. As an example, this means that latex exporter will be made
> available for latex 'text/latex' media type from the Download As interface.
> Raw Templates
> Template exporters can now be assigned raw templates as string attributes
> by setting the ``raw_template`` variable.
> .. code-block::
>   class AttrExporter(TemplateExporter):
>       # If the class has a special template and you want it defined within
> the class
>       raw_template = """{%- extends 'rst.tpl' -%}
>   {%- block in_prompt -%}
>   raw template
>   {%- endblock in_prompt -%}
>       """
>   exporter_attr = AttrExporter()
>   output_attr, _ = exporter_attr.from_notebook_node(nb)
>   assert "raw template" in output_attr
> New command line flags
> The ``--no-input`` will hide input cells on export. This is great for
> notebooks which generate "reports" where you want the code that was
> executed to not appear by default in the extracts.
> An alias for ``notebook`` was added to exporter commands. Now ``--to
> ipynb`` will behave as ``--to notebook`` does.
> Contributors
> The following 35 authors contributed 329 commits.
> * Anton Akhmerov
> * Benjamin Ragan-Kelley
> * berleon
> * Correoso Garcia
> * Damian Avila
> * Danilo J. S. Bellini
> * Doug Devine
> * geniusupgrader
> * Hagai Hargil
> * Igor Mikushkin
> * Josh Barnes
> * Leo Gallucci
> * Lukasz Mitusinski
> * M Pacer
> * Marco Rossi
> * Matthew Petroff
> * Matthew Seal
> * Matthias Bussonnier
> * Matthias Geier
> * Michael Droettboom
> * Mike Driscoll
> * Oliver Evans
> * oscar6echo
> * pacahon
> * Paul Ivanov
> * Roger Labbe
> * Sally Wilsak
> * Saul Shanabrook
> * Steven Silvester
> * Sylvain Corlay
> * Thomas Kluyver
> * Todd
> * Tyler Makaro
> * Vidar Tonaas Fauske
> * Ya'aqov (James) Walker
> Best,
> the many many Jupyter contributors who helped improve the project!
> --
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