
On 3 Oct 2018, at 14:16, Norman Gray wrote:

Supposing that my version 4.3.0 _is_ too early for the configuration mentioned in the above config page, is there really no way of configuring notebooks to time out? Failing that, is there a reliable way of determining idle servers from outside, and a recommended way of killing them in that case? (parsing `ps` output and SIGINTing the idle ones is... *ick*... but looking suddenly attractive).

Focusing on just this question, is there a way of shutting down a JupyterHub notebook 'nicely' from outside, so that any unsaved work is saved. My goals are to be able to:

* reap 'abandoned' sessions in a way which doesn't risk losing work (what often happens is that a user will close a tab and walk away, without realising that this just leaves the notebook running idly); and

* similarly shut down a JupyterHub server, immediately prior to a reboot.

Looking at the logs in the latter situation, I see a large number of lines like

    ... received signal 15, stopping
    ... received signal 15, stopping
    ... Shutting down 5 kernels
    ... received signal 15, stopping
    ... Shutting down 3 kernels
    ... Shutting down 2 kernels
    ... Shutting down 5 kernels

suggesting that SIGTERM at least is being caught and _something_ well-behaved is happening. But it's not clear to me what.

Is there a Best Practice here?

Best wishes


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