Dear list.

I've written an IPython cell magic which runs some computation in a
background thread (via concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor) and
asynchronously updates a code output cell (via
IPython.display.DisplayHandle.update() called with the help of
add_done_callback()) when it's done.

This works nicely in JupyterLab (and in the Classic Notebook), but
when I run the notebook with nbconvert's --execute flag, the final
outputs don't have their updated values.

Can I do something in the implementation of my cell magic to wait for
all asynchronous updates at the end of the notebook?

Is there some hook function for this?

Or can I somehow check (from within the magic code) if nbconvert (or
another non-interactive tool) is running?
I could easily switch to synchronous processing in that case.

Or is there another way to solve this (that keeps the async behavior
in the interactive case)?


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