
Fan looks interesting, but looking at the key benefits, they look like
Scala's benefits.  Can you tell me the differences between Fan and Scala?



On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 6:32 AM, Brian Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Fan is licensed under the AFL 3.0:
> "We" are primarily myself and my brother Andy.  There is also a third
> developer, John, who is working on sql and haven (the ORM engine).
> All three of us have day jobs at Tridium, which markets a Java
> framework for embedded devices such as industrial controllers, medical
> equipment, etc.  That market is known as M2M (Machine-to-Machine)
> because it is kind of the next chapter in the Internet - the number of
> autonomous devices hooked up will dwarf human users.
> We've sort of been keeping Fan under wraps until we had some real
> stuff working and lots of documentation.  It is by no means complete,
> but the compiler is written in Fan, the website is powered by a web
> server written in Fan, and the discussion group is a Fan application -
> so it is definitely coming along.
> Brian
> >

Scala lift off unconference, May 10th 2008, San Francisco
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